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53 Charleston, SCCHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA BY JAY FLETCHERTo most, Charleston is a nod to gentler days gone by, known for its history, grace, and charm. To me, Charleston is a city rich in superlatives. We make a lot of “best of” lists. Flipping through the pages of most any travel rag will often reveal our relatively small city scoring top marks for best beaches, best weather, best dining, best manners…. It always amazes me how often I see my quaint little home touted amongst mega-destinations like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and the like. Then again, it doesn’t. Within a few square miles of my front door I’ve eaten some of the best food, seen some of the most inspirational sights, and met some of the most pleasant people you could ever hope to come across. “Quality of life” is a phrase you hear constantly echoed in local circles. Charlestonians are a proud bunch, equally protective and welcoming, who can’t imagine life elsewhere. And don’t want to.Originally named Charles Towne when established by English settlers in 1670 and nicknamed “The Holy City” due to an overwhelming number of churches (in fact, there’s a height restriction ordinance enforced on new construction to keep the city’s signature steeple-dotted skyline intact), Charleston is one of America’s oldest and most historic cities. Pirate raids, sporadic assaults from Spain and France, pivotal moments of the American Revolution, the opening battle of America’s Civil War, and a devastating earthquake felt as far north as Boston and as far south as Cuba are just a few notches on Charleston’s unique and storied timeline. Today, apart from the tourism, it also has a vibrant economy based on an important and active seaport and a burgeoning IT industry. Strolling the city’s gas lantern-lit cobblestone alleys is like exploring a time capsule, lush and largely untouched history on display at every turn, the past alive and mingling with the city’s diverse and vibrant present. This is the true beauty of Charleston – how wonderfully the city coexists with itself as a modern antique, looking backwards and forwards at the same time.

Graphic USA

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