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With God’s Grace


Father Thompson came forward from the darkness to the third pew where he always sat. He prayed there every Sunday for the last three months or so. The face we have all accepted as one of ours. A handsome man full of life and a love for all that is created. Always showing trust in everyone who would walk through our church doors. His smile is so warming to our hearts. That man must have been an angel in his past lives. Father Thompson sat next to him in the pew and put a hand on his shoulder.

“It is always good to see you my son. How has your last week been?”

The bright and lively smile leapt to his face at the sight of the father.

“Oh Father I have had the loveliest week of my life, I have fallen in love with someone. This person, Father, is lovelier that a thousand roses freshly bloomed on a spring day in heaven.”

The Father laughed with delight.

“Oh that is wonderful news! Love is God’s sunshine beaming down to mankind to remind them of his glory. Tell me my son, what is your love’s name?”

He beamed with delight, “Athena, Athena my own human love.”

The Father bowed slightly, “That is a lovely name, most fitting for a lovely woman.”

The young man looked down at the floor still smiling. “Yes, it is most fitting for a most lovely person in the world.” Several moments went by when he finally came back down to our earth. “Well father, I would like to have my weekly confession, do you have time for me today?”

Father Thompson broke into smiling laughter. “Of course my son, for you I will always have time. They both headed towards the confession booth.


It was a little less than half an hour when Sister Brooke called the police. Officer Tain was first on the scene. Sister Brooke was sobbing and being consoled by a number of other Sisters, also crying. A crowd had gathered in the congregation hall around the confession booth. Officer Tain pushed his way through the crowd. “Alright everyone, BPD, everyone BACK UP!” The crowd moved enough for him to get to the booth and look at the scene. The sight of the deceased instantly induced vomit.

In the detectives report, Father Thompson’s body was found in the confession booth with out pants, on all fours. Eyes gauged bluntly, most likely with thumbs, the other side of the confession booth that was separated by a flimsy wooden barrier was broken. The anus of the father was soaked with blood, and semen was found in the cavity, obvious rape. The killer had scratched these words in the back of the victim, possibly with fingernails: “Athena, why defy me.”

Handwritten Letters to the Devil

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