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Ovulation Predictor Kits


Luteinizing hormone can be measured by ovulation – predictor kits, which use chemicals to identify the presence of LH in your urine. LH is not released all at once, but rises and falls for 24 to 48 hours. The LH rise usually begins in the early morning while you are sleeping; it appears in your urine about 4 to 6 hours later. For this reason, first-morning urine may not give the best result. It is important to follow the instructions on the kit for optimum results.

If you are able to recognize the pattern of your cervical secretions, ovulation – predictor kits have little value except to reassure you. You may just want to use them to cross – check your other signs of impending ovulation. If you have irregular cycles or multiple patches of fertile cervical secretions before ovulation, however, ovulation kits can be helpful.

I think ovulation – predictor kits are fine – so long as they’re used in conjunction with examining your cervical secretions (see below). They can also encourage women to have sex only when the predictor kit indicates – therefore missing out on opportunities for sex during the preceding five days, which is essential to maximize the chances of conception.

There is absolutely no point rushing out and buying an ovulation-predictor kit if you don’t have at least a rough idea of your cycle. I see women who have got into a real muddle using them, and have often convinced themselves that they’re not ovulating because, without any idea of what their normal cycle is, they’ve used the kit at the wrong time.

Once you know your own, individual cycle, the kit can help confirm when ovulation is coming up – but by then you will be so confident of reading your own body’s fertility indicators that you won’t need it!

Zita West’s Guide to Getting Pregnant

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