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Increasing cervical secretions


Evening Primrose oil (EPO) can play a role in the production of quality cervical secretions. EPO is an essential fatty acid (EFA) that contains gamma – linolenic acid (GLA), which is converted to a hormone – like substance called prostaglandin E1. EPO helps the body to produce raw egg white cervical secretions.

The recommendation is to take a supplement of EPO only during the first, pre – ovulatory time of the cycle, from menstruation to ovulation. This is because of the slight risk that EPO can cause uterine contractions, which you would want to avoid after ovulation. The recommended dose for the time between your period and ovulation should be 1,500 to 3,000mg per day (see Nutrition chapter for more details).

It may take a month or two to build up and produce the results you are looking for. If you are keeping a record of your fertility signs over the months, this will help you identify the first part of your cycle, prior to ovulation, when taking this supplement is advised. You will also know when you have ovulated, so you’ll know when to stop taking the EPO.

However, if you have had a diagnosis of high oestrogen levels, you will not know when you have ovulated and taking EPO will not be advised because of its oestrogenic properties. Far better, in this case, to visit a nutritionist and get an individually – tailored programme.

Zita West’s Guide to Getting Pregnant

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