Античная литература
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The Two Gentleman of Verona
Troilus and Cressida
The Merry Wives of Windsor
Henry IV, Part II
All's Well That Ends Well
Love's Labour's Lost (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Lysistrata (Translated with Annotations by The Athenian Society)
Lysistrata and Other Plays (Translated with Annotations by The Athenian Society)
Titus Andronicus (annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Measure for Measure (annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Richard II (annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Coriolanus (annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
The Winter's Tale (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Antony and Cleopatra (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Henry IV, Part 1 (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Hamlet (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
The Comedy of Errors (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
The Tempest (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Julius Caesar (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Twelfth Night, or What You Will (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
As You Like It (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Much Ado About Nothing (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Medea (Translated with an Introduction and Annotations by Gilbert Murray)
Macbeth (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
The Taming of the Shrew (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Antigone (Translated by E. H. Plumptre with an Introduction by J. Churton Collins)
A Midsummer Night's Dream (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Richard III (Annotated by Henry N. Hudson with an Introduction by Charles Harold Herford)
Selected Plays
The Frogs and Other Plays
The Birds and Other Plays
Timon of Athens
Julius Caesar
King John
The Three Theban Plays
The Complete Plays
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare
Titus Andronicus
Oedipus at Colonus
Iphigenia Among the Taurians
Antony and Cleopatra
Orestes and Other Plays
The Bacchae and Other Plays
The Sonnets and Narrative Poems
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