Страница 95 из 275
The Moral Psychology of Curiosity
The Work of Forgetting
Walter Benjamin and the Post-Kantian Tradition
The Question Concerning the Thing
Jacques Derrida and the Challenge of History
Axel Honneth
A Critique of Sovereignty
Nature, Ethics and Gender in German Romanticism and Idealism
Food, Environment, and Climate Change
Response Ethics
Futures of Life Death on Earth
Taking Conspiracy Theories Seriously
The Public Perspective
Contingent Computation
The Triumph of Managerialism?
Unsettling Food Politics
Decrypting Power
Nancy, Blanchot
Philosophy and Public Policy
Italian Critical Thought
The Desiring Modes of Being Black
The Bright and the Good
The Beautiful Animal
It's Not About the Gift
The Moral Psychology of Disgust
Technology, Modernity, and Democracy
Stretching the Limits of Productive Imagination
Productive Imagination
The Task of Philosophy in the Anthropocene
The Reinvention of Social Practices
The Moral Psychology of Contempt
Deleuze and the Humanities
Thinking Catherine Malabou
The Moral Psychology of Compassion
Partial Values
Varieties of Empathy
The Kuhnian Image of Science
The Birth of Physics
Affective Connections
Experience and Infinite Task
Geopolitics and Decolonization
Charles Taylor's Doctrine of Strong Evaluation
Breached Horizons
From Shared Life to Co-Resistance in Historic Palestine
The Moral Psychology of Anger
Manifestos for World Thought
Всего страниц: 275