Страница 151 из 160
A Companion to the Anthropology of Religion
50 Great Myths of Human Sexuality
Engineering Polymer Systems for Improved Drug Delivery
Investigating Culture. An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology
Ageing, Dementia and the Social Mind
Family Theories. Foundations and Applications
Methods and Tools for Creative Competitive Intelligence
The Primate Origins of Human Nature
Categorical Statistics for Communication Research
The Prevention of Crime
Statistics and Causality. Methods for Applied Empirical Research
A Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
Using Statistics in the Social and Health Sciences with SPSS and Excel
Understanding and Applying Basic Statistical Methods Using R
A Concise History of World Population
A Companion to Popular Culture
The Handbook of Deviance
The Handbook of Criminological Theory
A Handbook of Practicing Anthropology
A Companion to Urban Anthropology
Composing Research, Communicating Results. Writing the Communication Research Paper
Inside Anthropotechnology. User and Culture Centered Experience
Origination. The Geographies of Brands and Branding
Family Problems. Stress, Risk, and Resilience
Urban Land Rent. Singapore as a Property State
The Incas
A Companion to the Anthropology of Environmental Health
The Handbook of Drugs and Society
Statistical Applications for Environmental Analysis and Risk Assessment
A Companion to the Anthropology of the Middle East
An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt
Cities in Relations. Trajectories of Urban Development in Hanoi and Ouagadougou
Introduction to Sociological Theory. Theorists, Concepts, and their Applicability to the Twenty-First Century
Kisisi (Our Language). The Story of Colin and Sadiki
Assembling Export Markets. The Making and Unmaking of Global Food Connections in West Africa
Disaster Response and Recovery. Strategies and Tactics for Resilience
Contested Knowledge. Social Theory Today
Transcultural Teens. Performing Youth Identities in French Cités
Create to Learn. Introduction to Digital Literacy
Blood Will Out. Essays on Liquid Transfers and Flows
Political Attitudes. Computational and Simulation Modelling
Analytical Sociology. Actions and Networks
Global Heritage. A Reader
The Anthropology of Performance. A Reader
Human Geography. A Concise Introduction
Video Art Theory. A Comparative Approach
Thin on the Ground. Neandertal Biology, Archeology and Ecology
From World City to the World in One City. Liverpool through Malay Lives
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