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The poetical works
The poetical works. Vol. 3
The poetical works
The poetical works. Vol. 2
The poetical works. Vol. 2
The poetical works. Vol. 4
The poetical works. Vol. 3
The poetical works. Vol. 1
The poetical works. Vol. 7
The poetical works. Vol. 3
The poetical works. Vol. 13
The poetical works. Vol. 11
The works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper. Vol. 15
Sämmtliche poetische Werke. T. 4
The poetical works. Vol. 3
The poetical works. Vol. 2
The poetical works. Vol. 3
Jerusalem delivree. T. 1
Obras. T. 4
Obras. T. 2
Obras. T. 1. p. 1
Obras. T. 3
Obras. T. 1. p. 2
Popular ballads and songs. Vol. 2
Popular ballads and songs. Vol. 1
Poetae latini minores. T. 5
The works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper. Vol. 19
Oeuvres. T. 2
Le tre piu celebri pastorali italiane
Jerusalem delivree. T. 2
Choix des poesies originales des troubadours. T. 3
Goffred albo Jeruzalem wyzwolona. T. 2
Le troubadour. Pt. 1
La Lusiade. T. 1
The poetical works. Vol. 6
Il Morgante Maggiore. T. 1
The poetical works. Vol. 4
The poetical works. Vol. 1
Recuel de poesies
The works. Vol. 2
The traveller; The deserted village and other poems
Discours en vers, a la louange de M. de Voltaire
Oeuvres. T. 2
Oeuvres. T. 1
La Lusiade. T. 2
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