Документальная литература
Страница 200 из 666
- Préfaces et manifestes littéraires
- Persuasion
- Leçons d'histoire, prononcées à l'École normale
- Projet de la constitution française de 1791
- Vingt années de Paris
- An Open Letter to the Right Honorable David Lloyd George
- The Freedom of Science
- Lincoln's Use of the Bible
- The Two Goats and the Sick Monkey
- The Victorian Age: The Rede Lecture for 1922
- A Sketch of the Life and Labors of George Whitefield
- Journal of Dr. Elias Cornelius, a Revolutionary Surgeon
- Songs and Ballads of the Southern People: 1861-1865
- Rambles and Studies in Greece
- The Female Soldier; Or, The Surprising Life and Adventures of Hannah Snell
- The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia
- Muskrat City
- Personal Recollections of Chickamauga
- Beyond
- El derecho internacional americano; estudio doctrinal y crítico
- Some Current Folk-Songs of the Negro
- Chickamauga. Useless, Disastrous Battle
- Oom Paul's People
- Roster of Company I, 24th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers
- Sketch of the First Kentucky Brigade
- Pictures of Southern Life, Social, Political, and Military
- Sketch of Dunbarton, New Hampshire
- Ludicrous Aspects Of Christianity
- The Religion of the Indians of California
- Pioneer Day Exercises
- Voices; Birth-Marks; The Man and the Elephant
- Mafeking: A Diary of a Siege
- Stories of the Scottish Border
- Religious Folk-Songs of the Southern Negroes
- Peter's Rock in Mohammed's Flood, from St. Gregory the Great to St. Leo III
- Sketch of a New Esthetic of Music
- Naturalism and Religion
- Froude's History of England
- History of the Seventh Ohio Volunteer Cavalry
- The Justice and Necessity of Taxing the American Colonies, Demonstrated
- Sir Walter Raleigh and His Time
- The Fundamental Principles of Old and New World Civilizations
- Campaign of Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery
- Sumerian Liturgies and Psalms
- The Settlement of Illinois, 1778-1830
- Roman Society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius
- Pioneers of the Old Southwest: a chronicle of the dark and bloody ground
- The Novel and the Common School
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