Страница 191 из 630
Virtues Abounding
Courage Beyond Fear
Ministry Among God’s Queer Folk, Second Edition
An Islamic Jihad of Nonviolence
Toward a Healthier Contextualization among Muslims
The Future Inheritance of Land in the Pauline Epistles
Lions, Locusts, and the Lamb
Getting at Jesus
Ironies Leaders Navigate, Second Edition
The Literary Devices in John's Gospel
The Gospel of Mark and the Roman-Jewish War of 66–70 CE
The Branch
Practicing Midrash
Prayer, Middle Knowledge, and Divine-Human Interaction
The Disciple Investing Apostle
The Inner Church is the Hope of the World
The Secular as Methodology
New Creation
Learning on Life’s Way
New Testament Foundations
By Gospel Alone
One Greater Than Satan
Be Afraid
What Women Want
The Ecumenical Work of the Icon
Evangelizing the Depths
Three Score Ten
A Recipe for Disaster
The Saint John’s Bible and Its Tradition
New Testament Micro-Ethics
Reading Acts
Systematic Mythology
Echoes of Contempt
Behind The Faith
The Disfiguration of Nature
What the Bible Actually Teaches on Women
The Judgment of Love
The Tragedy Test
Theological Ethics in a Neoliberal Age
God, the World, and Hope
Minding the Web
Energize Your Emotions for Life
Doing Theology in the Age of Trump
The World Made Otherwise
Intersecting Realities
The Scandalous Menu
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