Страница 240 из 630
Augustine and the Fundamentalist’s Daughter
Thomas Merton
Death and Donation
Attacks on Christendom in a World Come of Age
Liberating Biblical Study
Sin and Redemption
Learning in a Musical Key
Reading Karl Barth
Creating Women’s Theology
The Long Journey Home
The Messianic Kingship of Jesus
View from the Urban Loft
Evangelicals and the Early Church
Jesus and Paul before Christianity
Worship in the Letter to the Hebrews
Burning Center, Porous Borders
David and His Theologian
Waiting for a Glacier to Move
On Diaspora
Christ’s Prisoner
Changing Church
The Legacy of Kierkegaard
Theology and Human Flourishing
Religion, Gender, and Industry
The Politics of Yahweh
God without Parts
The Negro Church
The Crisis of Global Capitalism
A Way into Scholasticism
The Paradox of Hope
The Gospel According to Christ
The Dead Sea Scrolls for a New Millennium
In the Beginning Were Stories, Not Texts
Encounters for Change
The Last Disciple
Members Are Ministers
A Pen Named Man: Our Purpose
The Heterodox Yoder
Eden’s Bridge
Soul, Self, and Society
Chosen Nation
On Kierkegaard and the Truth
Conditional Futurism
Trinitarian Self and Salvation
Critical Conversations
Exploring the Range of Theology
Всего страниц: 630