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The Finishing Dream


It may seem some kind of peculiar to begin with the explanation about the meaning of the finishing dream, though there is certainly the opening dream as well. My intention is to lay down in front of you the fruits of work with dream interpretation in advance. Like a confectioner who is going to present the pastries to you before he sells it.

Keeping up with the example of the man, whose trauma, namely a not processed injury of the soul has never been worked off: caused by the inhibition lasting for years, his sub-consciousness now feels forced to produce a new dream, a total different dream, different from the nightmare which the watcher has kept back. The nightmare would have shown children who are crying because they had been beaten. The new dream would possibly show a farmer threshing corn off his wheat. The dreamer would not understand the meaning, but at least think about it. If the man´s inhibition of the experience of being beaten is very strong, he might think that wheat, as well needs to be hit to bring out corn and later becomes bread for the people to eat. He might think that this is a general fact in life. His parents might have been so powerful that there had been no questioning about the reason or a demand for apologising. However, the sub-consciousness will never agree with such a kind of viewing things. It has got a high level of moral and its desire to open our eyes on acts like this will linger on, until we are ready to deal with it. It wants to make clear to the man that his parents ought to tell him they are sorry about it, or he would never speak to them again. Its aim is to lead a better life. If he continues with his parents as if nothing ever happened, he might eventually beat his own children one time, although he did not want that. After the forceful break-out the man might get the strange feeling, as if not he himself had done that, but a different powerful energy.

What would happen to the man, if he started to spend his time intensely with his dreams? He would make up his mind why a dream appears in which a person was threshing corn. He could conclude that corn is young, too and is obtained from the bosom of the wheat. At best, he would reflect that he had also been beaten when he was young and talk about the incident with his parents. If his parents were in the position to remember that and tell him how sorry they feel about it, this dream would never rise up again. If he does not have a close contact to his parents, or they had already passed away, and he is unable to talk about his mental hurts with them no more, a quite similar dream is going to appear, probably after a very long time. The farmer again threshes corn but his wife praises his painstaking piece of work in the dream. At this point, the precious task of the dream and the dream interpretation starts, which lends us a hand in everything that keeps us busy and is a companion an entire life long: the dreamer has assimilated the experience of his childhood. Just because of this addition to the dream, when something positive happens, as the farmer´s wife honours the industry of her husband, the hard work on the trauma comes to the close. The man possibly often thought about forgiving his parents long before, but a feeling of anger and hate still lingered on. If, however, the finishing dream with its positive touch appears to him, he can be sure that he could forgive his parents throughout the deepest levels of himself. From now on, he will be able to continue his life undisturbed.

A lively example of a finishing dream and the work on traumata people need to master, delivers the following story. A woman was the victim of rape. At the age of 27 she was raped by a very strong man in an unbelievingly brutal fashion. She was that frightened that it took many years until she went to the police to tell what had happened. The man was already known to the police for several crimes. She recognized him in the archives of the police office. When the man who committed the rape had received the notification, he gave order to a friend to phone the woman and urge on her to withdraw the notification. If not, he would do her even more harm. The woman was so intimidated by the phone call that she wrote a postcard to the police officer to ask him to stop the investigation. She also explained why she has done that, but as everybody knows: where no plaintiff, there is no judge.

The woman never had a dream of the rape but her daily life was very much disturbed by thoughts of anger and hate. She felt annoyed by the fact that this criminal was to get away without punishment. Sometimes she felt completely depressed just to think of the rape, mainly because of the brutality the man had carried out on her. She mistrusted strong men in general since then, however married a strong man 12 years later when she was 39. Her marriage lasted only a few years until she got rid of her husband. At the age of 45 years she fell in love with a very lovely man. He was not strong, on the contrary he was rather weak and soft. After one year, they had an argument over his desire to move to another town. She was beating him after she had pushed him down to the floor and held his arms tightly together, just like the man once did who committed the rape to her. The relationship did not last very much longer. Her great love had left her. The woman felt very sad after he was gone. A friend of her lover told her that he could not forget that she had beaten him. She was always dreaming of him. Every dream ended like the other: “He had vanished all of a sudden.” Deep down in her mind she knew that it was her fault that he was gone. She again reflected about the rape and her thoughts revolved around a solution for her life to go on happy and free.

She decided to forgive the man who committed the rape. She heard from a famous female bible preacher that forgiveness achieves health of the soul, which was good for oneself in the first place. She imagined herself having been very pretty and strikingly attractive when she was 27, because she still was at the age of 48. She imagined that the man was not able to act differently. She really tried hard to forgive this man and became calmer. Nevertheless she was still sad about the circumstances all in all, until a very special dream appeared to her: “A man, assumingly very strong, tried to open her entrance-door, made of wood. The door really was of massive wood and kept him outside for a while. However, he had such a power that he finally broke through. She was entirely frightened. Right at the moment, when he forced her down and wanted to do harm to her, the two doors of her wardrobe went open and two officers came out. After the police had arrested the man and taken him away, she looked into her wardrobe wondering about how they both could stay inside there. She saw that blue cushions were lying on the bottom of the wardrobe. She clearly saw impressions on the cushions as if they had been sitting on them for a very long time.” - When she woke up in the morning and wrote down the details of her dream, she realised the wardrobe was the one she had in her flat at the time when she was the victim of rape. Suddenly she felt that it was over. From now on she was in the position to think of the crime without being touched emotionally.

After a while this woman could finally work out the loss of her exfriend as well. Again and again she was dreaming of scenes when they were together, until he had vanished by the rule in the dream. Then a completely different dream rose up: “She saw him lying on the floor. He had grown quite fat and seemed to be unconscious when she bent down on him. She had recognized him by his mouth only.” The fatness of her exfriend delivered the proof that an advantage for the dreaming person would be on its way. The advantage was based on the fact that now the woman was able to close down on him. He had no more power on her, because he actually had been unconscious in the dream.

The classic among the finishing dreams is the dream of a deceased person to whom we had a close connection. When you dream of this person, the grief is going to come to an end. There is no need to be scared about dreaming of the death in general. It mostly means that you can inwardly finish up with something that caused you sorrow and trouble.

The Ivory Gate of Dreams

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