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The Opening Dream

As a consequence to the description of the finishing dream you probably can imagine which precious work dreams carry out for the mental health. Again let us have a look at the doorway between the sub-consciousness and the consciousness and try to understand that the dream-power is able produce a dream which we can bear, of which the watcher at the doorway is willing to give admission and let it pass. The determination that the dream-power should invent a dream in order to detect something for us, can surely derive from ourselves as well. A certain matter is keeping us busy during life which we cannot put in correctly. There seems to be a special occurrence which continues disturbing our lives repeatedly. We can feel it in our relationships to other people for they are reflecting our hearts in return. We wonder why this and that is always going wrong and why we are misunderstood despite of the belief we had expressed ourselves clearly. Some kind of force portrays us in a different way towards the others as we had judged it.

It probably deals with an experience that happened already a very long time ago. We might have inhibited it and do not remember every detail. One could compare the procedure of inhibition with a wool ball. When the wool was wound up, which should describe the way of life, a knot is developing itself at a certain spot, which should describe the trauma. The wool which is wound up over the knot is going to build up a small hill in the course of time. Exactly at this point of the knot, we are “tripping over” then on the future way of life again and again. With the help of a dream, we can go back the way of the wool, unroll it up to the point of the knot, resolve the knot and wind up the wool in a beautiful style anew. In practise that means we can detect an inhibited trauma through the dream interpretation and work it out on a conscious basis. In other words the opening dream represents the true story of a hidden trauma. So to say, the opening dream reveals an incident of the past which we had repressed and since then lingered in a locked up box deep down in the sub-consciousness.

A lively example: A man was married with a foreign woman. After a few years, she gave birth to a child, a lovely girl. His wife went to the immigration authorities and received her final permission to reside. Afterwards she has thrown her husband from the flat, although he had done everything for his wife and his child. She did not want to keep up with the marriage any longer. The man felt totally abused, because his wife told everyone her husband had beaten her, which was a lie. The summit of misbehaviour was that she withdrew all the money from his bank account. Due to all that the man became sick of cancer and had to stay in the hospital for quite a while. Afterwards he got a flat on his own and started a new life. He went to a local pub every day and was hiding away his anger by generating a funny character. A good friend told him stories about Thailand. This way the man came to travel to Thailand. He met a Thai woman and got together with her. When he returned, he wanted to earn more money to support his girlfriend in Thailand and to travel there more frequently. This is why he began to work as a lorry driver.

After a few years a very bad accident happened to him which he caused by his truck at a crossroad. Due to ice and snow he could not break quickly enough. The man in the car on the main road whom he had taken off the right of way was led into the traffic of opposite direction and collided with another car. The man lost his life in the accident. The man of our story was condemned for manslaughter and went to jail for several years. When he was released from prison, he was a broken man. He had to undergo an operation once again because of a tumour. He could not start working yet when he returned and now had plenty of time to ponder about everything that had happened. As a consequence to the terrible accident and everything that followed, he was reminded of his companion who had died in a motorcycle crash with him as the pillion driver when they both were 21 years old. That meant the accident happened 23 years ago, because he was already aged 44.

During this time the following dream appeared to the man: “He drove in his truck on a highway, which led over a bridge with blue and yellow stripes on the balustrade. A bridge he knew well from trips to the country where his ex-wife came from. All of a sudden, he saw another truck on fire standing right in front of him on the road and used the breaks. At the same time, a motorbike with high speed passed his truck on the left side and raced into the burning truck. Then he saw his ex-wife crossing the bridge in front of the truck on fire along with the little daughter in her arms. She came into his sight when she had passed the truck from the right to the left side. Despite the fact he came to a standstill behind the scene.” - After the dream the man realised eventually that he had inhibited the trauma of losing his companion. His death had been the reason why he left the village where he was born and went to the big city where he was living now. He came to know that all the three incidents, the death of his best friend, the loss of his wife and his daughter and the accident with his truck at work represented traumatic experiences. He received the good advice to travel to his home village, go to the place in the landscape where the accident with his friend had happened and start mourning over him, for the first time in 23 years. The opening dream helped him to discover his problem so that he could begin to work on it. For he said that he would not succeed in going to that place one more time, it became obvious that he needed a therapy with a psychologist to become healthy again.

This dream is a showpiece of an opening dream. Naturally, the man experienced his dream as a nightmare. The examination of the nightmare under the magnifying-lens will follow later on. The opening dream had to appear to the man as a nightmare in order to put him in the position to finally discover the trauma by intensely remembering the dream. He suffered a lot from the disorder of his inner feelings towards his life. Therefore the watcher over the dreams was now ready to let such a shocking dream pass through. Due to the man´s fortifying meditation, he could finally take up contact with his sub-consciousness again. He now was ready to open the above-mentioned box in the sub-consciousness and set free its contents.

The distinct structure in the dream plot proved that his sub-consciousness did trust him to be capable of dealing with the dream likewise. This is why the opening dream for this human being represents the beginning of the work on the way to himself. The description of the opening dream is supposed to express two of a kind: the opening in the sense of a beginning, a new start in life - and - the opening in the sense of a unique presentation of the truth, the facts.

Here comes one more example of a man who is handicapped. He was born prematurely and not brought in the incubator in time. As a result his hip did not develop itself perfectly and remained crippled. His father was disappointed in him for not being a normal boy. Repeatedly he had been beaten by his father when he grew up, because he was not like the other boys. As an adult, he often dreamed of “hazardous people pursuing him all the time, so that he has to run away.” He believed that the dreams are a result of his childhood experience and would refer to the cruelties of his father. However, this is only half the truth.

If someone is the victim of pursuance in a dream, it means the one is not able to meet with the expectations of a certain person. Such a dream wants to put light on the fact that the dreamer should give up his feelings of guilt. It is not the problem of the person, who has such a dream that he cannot meet with the expectations of another person. For the above mentioned man was highly convinced only of himself and has compensated his handicap by having obtained great general knowledge, he refused any information about dream interpretation. He did not give in, because he had become a bit hard-headed through his experience and did not want to be told about anything and anyone. Especially about things he had no idea of. A perfect example of the absolute inhibition.

Unfortunately the man did not want to listen to the fact that those dreams only appear to inform him that there is no need to fulfil the expectations of his father. His father did not appear in the dreams anyway, because the man inhibited the blame of having been beaten as a child. A correct interpretation would have helped him to deal with the problem and this way stop this type of dream forever. The way this man ignored the science of dream interpretation only led to more misunderstandings of the messages from the sub-consciousness, either falsely or not at all. Therefore his dream-power will be forced to produce even more scary dreams, until the man will be able to find out its meaning by himself or eventually he gives in to advice from other people. His dream-power only wanted to open his eyes at his attitude towards his father in order to make clear to him that it was not his fault that his father was disappointed in him. He would have been able to work out the chaos of his thinking. He would even come so far to drop his tendency of expressing himself to be the best-educated man of all. This way he would not only achieve mental peace again, but would surely appear more sympathetic to other people as well.

The classic among the opening dreams is possibly a whole serial of dreams that are dealing with the experiences of a former relationship. Although the relationship does not exist anymore at length one dreams a lot of the former partner and oneself, just like it performed itself in reality. The dream-power wants to request you to come to an intense understanding over the past. Through the dreams you get the opportunity to make up your mind, whether you set yourself free from the former partner to be ready for a new relationship; or you prefer to hold on to the former partner, because there is no questioning a new option. This creates clarity.

The Ivory Gate of Dreams

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