Читать книгу 2022 / 2023 ASVAB For Dummies - Angie Papple Johnston - Страница 46

Making Last-Minute Preparations: 24 Hours and Counting


You want some good advice? Don’t drink alcohol the night before — headaches, dehydration, and the ASVAB don’t work well together. And don’t pull an all-night cram session. If you don’t know the material the night before the test, it’s too late. Staying up all night only guarantees that you’ll do poorly on the test, because you’ll be too tired in the morning. Here are some other suggestions:

 Get some sleep. A full night’s rest (at least eight hours) before the test prepares your body and mind to perform at their best during the test. When you get enough sleep, your brain actively organizes information you studied and know so you can remember it more easily during your test. Even better is starting a regular sleep schedule at least two or three nights before the test to be fully rested.

 On the morning of the test, eat a light meal. Anything too heavy will make you drowsy, but not eating enough will make it hard for you to concentrate.Try to avoid eating a breakfast high in carbohydrates and sipping energy drinks. Although the carbs and caffeine will initially make you feel energetic, a couple of hours into the test, you may come crashing down. Select foods high in protein instead.

 Get exercise the day before and even the morning of the test. Doing so gets your blood pumping and helps you remain mentally sharp.

 If you’re sick, upset, or injured, consider rescheduling the test. Right before the test starts, the proctor will ask if there’s anything, such as sickness or injury, that may affect your test performance. After the test actually starts, it’s considered an “official test,” and you’ll have to wait a certain time period before any possibility of a retest. See Chapter 1 for details.

 Don’t bring personal supplies to the test. Your test administrator will provide you with pencils and scratch paper. Don’t bring calculators, personal electronic devices (smartphones, tablets), backpacks, or a cooler of munchies to the testing site. You won’t be allowed to have them with you. (But if you wear eyeglasses, bring them.)

 Bring a watch to help you keep track of time if you’re taking the paper version. The computerized version has a clock on the screen.

 Don’t drink a lot of liquids just before the test. You don’t want to waste valuable test time in the restroom!

 Make sure you arrive at the test site with plenty of time to spare. In the military, arriving on time means you’re 5 minutes late. You should plan to be in your seat at least 15 minutes before the scheduled testing time. Unless your recruiter is driving you (which is often the case), you may want to do a test run a day or two before your testing date to make sure you know where the test is, the availability of parking, and how to find the testing room.

 Bring your ID. You’ll have to show proof of your identity when you arrive at MEPS.

2022 / 2023 ASVAB For Dummies

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