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From beginning to end: Knowing prefixes and suffixes


Prefixes, roots, and suffixes are the main parts that make up words. Not every word has all three, but most have at least one. A word’s prefix — the first syllable — affects its meaning. A suffix is the last syllable in a word, and it, too, affects the word’s meaning. Roots are the parts that lie in the middle of a word. Think of roots as the base of the word and prefixes and suffixes as word parts that are attached to the base to modify its meaning. (Check out the following section for more info on — you guessed it — roots.)

These basic word parts generally have the same meaning in whatever word they’re used. For instance, the prefix pro- means in favor of, forward, or positive, whether you use it in the word proton or the word proceed.

Tables 4-2 and 4-3 list some common prefixes and suffixes. Each list has the word part, its meaning, and one word that uses each word part. Write down additional words that use each word part to help you memorize the list. You can find even more prefixes, suffixes, and roots in Appendix C.

Suffixes are busy little word segments. They affect the meaning of a word and usually tell you what part of speech a word is (which comes in handy when you’re navigating through Word Knowledge questions that you can’t answer immediately).

TABLE 4-2 Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Sample Word
a- no, not atheist
ab- or abs- away, from absent
anti- against antibody
bi- two bilateral
circum- around circumnavigate
com- or con- with, together conform
contra- or counter- against contradict
de- away from detour
deca- ten decade
extra- outside, beyond extracurricular, extraordinary
fore- in front of foretell
geo- earth geology
hyper- above, over hyperactive
il- not illogical
mal- or male- evil, bad malediction
multi- many multiply
ob- blocking obscure
omni- all omnibus
out- external outside
que-, quer-, or ques- ask question, query
re- back, again return
semi- half semisweet
super- over, more superior
tele- far telephone
trans- across transatlantic
un- not uninformed

TABLE 4-3 Suffixes

Suffix Part of Speech It Indicates Meaning Original Word: Suffixed Word
-able or -ible Adjective capable of agree: agreeable
-age Noun act of break: breakage
-al Adjective relating to function: functional
-ance or -ence Noun instance of an action perform: performance
-ation Noun action, process liberate: liberation
-en Adjective, verb made from silk: silken
-ful Adjective full of help: helpful
-ic Adjective relating to, like anemia: anemic
-ical Adjective possessing a quality of magic: magical
-ion Noun result of, act of legislate: legislation
-ish Adjective, noun resembling child: childish
-ism Noun condition or manner hero: heroism
-ist Noun one who or that which does anarchy: anarchist
-ity Noun quality of or state of dense: density
-less Adjective, noun not having worth: worthless
-let Noun small one book: booklet
-ly Adjective, adverb like fearless: fearlessly
-ment Noun act or process of establish: establishment
-ness Adjective, noun possessing a quality good: goodness
-or, -er Noun one who does a thing orate: orator
-ous Adjective state of danger: dangerous

If you memorize prefixes, suffixes, and roots, you have a better chance of figuring out the meaning of an unfamiliar word when you see it on the ASVAB. Figuring out the meaning of unfamiliar words is how people with large vocabularies make them even larger. (They look up words in the dictionary, too.)

2022 / 2023 ASVAB For Dummies

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