Читать книгу The Secrets of Successful Families - Артем Толоконин - Страница 6

Part 1
My method of solving domestic issues of any complexity


How do you define if there are certain issues in your family? It’s as simple as that! Do you feel lonely? Are you tired? Do you hurry home after work? Do you make plans for the future? Do you feel good at home? How well do you sleep? Do you often fall ill?

If you are in no hurry to get home, if you think about the future with a sad heart, if the person close to you annoys you and you understand that you annoy them, and even feel unwell, these are signs of family issues.

But first, you need to ask yourself where do these issues come from? Why did they occur exactly in my family? Why is it happening exactly in my life? How do I make things right? These questions need to be answered as soon as possible.

It is often difficult to determine all by yourself where the roots of the problems are. You can seek advice from a specialist or be guided by a book from which you will learn what love is, what stages it goes through, how childhood traumas and family standards of previous generations affect gender behavior in your family. So, after you understand how to work with it, how to get rid of the destructive scenario of your family life, you will want to become the master of your life and be able to decide and establish the quality of family relationship all by yourself!

A person most likely will come to a conclusion: why should I break up family relationship if I can save it? There is no need to look for any reasons or extrinsic stimuli for love to awaken. Actually, a person can love and be loved 24/7, but only if they choose so for themselves.

This is what my approach is about: you need to teach a person to love, and then, as a rule, they won’t have to destroy anything. It’ll just become another sphere of activity which can become a wonderful work and even a lifework. As a company that needs to be developed: today five people are employed there, tomorrow it may be twenty-five of them, it is the growth and expansion of the company that makes business stronger.

You have to invest in family relationship just as in business. Not only money and other material resources but also feelings, time, attention, and love. These investments will bring you great delight as you can get even more attention and love in return. This thrill goes along with you if you do it consciously, if it is your choice.

If a person is prone to the influence of a negative family scenario (usually unconsciously), they believe that their minimum contribution to the family is normal. They say over and over again that the situation cannot be changed for the better. “I cannot mend my ways; I am the way I am!” It’s self-deception. This is just an immature view, a “couldn’t care less” attitude not only to one’s own fate but for the fate of future generations because this scenario is destructive!

When it is inherited, children will begin to implement it too. Sooner or later, in the flow of their love – mind you, everyone wants to love! – there is the same dam arising just as it was with their parents. Family perceptions of previous generations will still emerge. Therefore, the spouses who admit that their relationship is not open to change, who do not invest in it, simply pass their problems on to future generations this way.

While we are children, adults educate us and show us how to behave, how to treat ourselves and the world, how to build family relationships. Then, having absorbed the emotional atmosphere of our childhood, we grow up and leave our parents’ family to create our own. Parents and kindred program the child’s future gender behavior and form the so-called family scenario. Since it is laid down in early childhood, then, as a rule, an adult does not fully realize it. That is, the question of love or its absence in one particular family is actually much more important! If a person has reached maturity, if he or she has a desire to solve their family issues and not just go their separate ways, transform their relationship, then he or she starts working with them. This is the beginning, the starting point opening the way to a better tomorrow!

Everything can be remedied. Everyone has a chance to change their lives and relationships by changing themselves. A professional can help understand what exactly is going on in the family, what it is caused by, and teach how to transform internal contradictions into understanding and partnership. He or she can help learn to love here and now, no strings attached, that is, to reveal a mature feeling of love.

However, to make a person follow the path of their spiritual development, their own intention is needed above all.

Then all the nightmares that have been tormenting them so much simply leave their life. Everyone stumbles, everyone makes mistakes, there is nothing wrong with that. By correcting them, a person gains experience, follows a way that neither they nor their descendants will then have to go through again. Later on, life will be setting new tasks – usually in the sphere of business and creativity.

It is an established fact that family people live longer. A person experiences the greatest stress at home but not at work – after all, we are most open-hearted and defenseless at home. Thus, a person’s anxiety and depression will never go away until their family background changes. When harmony is restored in the family, family life ceases to be a cause of distress and turns into a source of resources and support. Happiness and love start flowing as if from a cornucopia.

This is my method! I don’t advocate for ruining anything. Even in the most difficult cases when it seems that, actually, the family no longer exists, it is possible to analyze the situation, create a program to restore an adequate psychosexual age and move towards the discovery of a masterpiece called love. Thus, the person changes their family relationship themselves, and so my help ends there. Ironically, partners can develop and learn to love only in a real family relationship! If they simply divorce, the true crisis roots will remain unexplored. A change of partner, like a change of a facade, does not change anything inside.

You can mend and restore absolutely any family relationship! There are no prejudices here. If you believe in it, you can break any deadlock, given the will. Even if an army of mistresses intervened in a family relationship, spouses hate each other and send each other off to a lunatic asylum – such things happened too! – you can get the situation well in hand and return everything to a natural, calm state of partnership, understanding, and care in six months or a year.

My method is to put a person in a state of love, so that their eyes open and light up. This is work with human energy. It is only my own spiritual practice that helps me do therapy effectively.

Without it you can only speculate or, even worse, manipulate. You have to help a person realize the feeling of love within themselves, help plunge into it – then they will understand where they need to move and what to work on in themselves. Love as a gift is given to any person, and the development of this gift is the most important challenge for a person, the meaning of their life! The most important thing is for everyone to learn how to love; then there will be fewer divorces, fights, and wrecked lives. I want everyone who is reading this book to feel responsible for their feelings, make love a guiding light of their lives, and advance steadily along this route through their life!

When people seek my help in salving their marriage, I recommend taking a break in considering a divorce for a while and then develop an individual program to overcome the crisis. It includes both personal work with each of the partners and general family therapy. In a while, each of the spouses realizes their contribution to family problems and learns to treat themselves and their partner in a different way, based on love. Slights and claims go away! When a person sees their own unique inner world, they start to see how unique their partner is. Natural interest in each other and mutual understanding are regained, and then the issue of divorce becomes irrelevant.

There are occasions where only one of the partners seeks advice, the other one may not know about it. This is not an obstacle to family changes. Even if one of the partners starts changing, renounces slights and learns to love, this affects both spouses. Thus, their relationship improves naturally.

If you cannot consult a specialist, then this book will help you sort out your situation on your own and will direct your thoughts and actions in a creative way. It is based on many years of my private practice and my own life experience.

The Secrets of Successful Families

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