Читать книгу The Secrets of Successful Families - Артем Толоконин - Страница 7

Part 2
On Love. The Main Answer to the Main Question


Stages of Development of a Feeling

Love is a feeling that unites a person and the big wide world they live in. It is love that symbolically connects a human and their spirit and provides them with an alternative look at the outside reality. Love is the cornerstone of anyone’s life; it is the norm on which any relationship should be built. It is when adults fall in love, they decide to create a family. Lovers unite, realize their feelings in sexual intercourse, and then they have a child. Love is a phenomenon. However, love is also something that inspires people to develop and to move ahead. Even if we are talking about the professional sphere, one should not expect much success in any profession without love for their trade.

The Secrets of Successful Families

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