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Cardamom is a stimulating plant which eases the brain and the respiratory and digestive systems. Its sweet, warming energy brings joy and clarity to the mind, and is particularly good for opening the flow of prana, or vital energy, through the body. Added to milk, cardamom will neutralize mucus-forming properties; added to coffee, it detoxifies caffeine.


Cardamom is a stimulant, an expectorant, a diaphoretic, and has aphrodisiac properties. Its qualities are pungent and sweet, with heating/moisturizing effects on the doshas. Cardamom aids in the digestion of fats and starches, stimulates, and calms acid stomach and acid regurgitation.

Part of Plant Used The seeds and root.

Conditions Treated Cardamom aids respiratory problems, such as coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, and loss of voice. It also benefits the digestive system in cases of vomiting, belching, and indigestion. Cardamom’s stimulating effects bring mental clarity and good humor.

Form Taken Tea, as an additive to milk and food, as a bath, inhalation, or massage oil.

Used with Other Herbs? Cardamom blends well with orange, anise, caraway, ginger, and coriander.


 Cardamom reduces kapha and vátha, and stimulates pitta.

 Because of its soothing nervine properties, it will calm a fluttery high vátha state by kindling agni (fire).

 Cardamom removes excess kapha mucus from the stomach and lungs.

 Basundi, a milk-based digestive aid, is also a dessert.


 Do not use with ulcers, or in high pitta states.

The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments

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