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NUTMEG Jaiphala

Nutmeg is a tropical evergreen tree native to Indonesia. The brown, wrinkled fruit contains a kernel which is covered by a bright red membrane.


Warming, stimulant, rejuvenating. Nutmeg improves appetite and digestion. It is highly aromatic, carminative, and has strong hallucinogenic properties when ingested in large quantities.

Part of Plant Used The kernel of the seed.

Conditions Treated Nutmeg is calming and sleep-inducing, making it an excellent remedy for insomnia and other sleep disorders. It has been used to treat diarrhea and vomiting. Nutmeg strengthens the heart and eases menstruation. In small quantities, it acts on the stomach, improving digestion and appetite, while dispeling flatulence or acid stomach. Nutmeg has been used to ease kidney trouble.

Form Taken Whole or as a powder, as a tea, spice, massage oil, or an inhalation.

Used with Other Herbs? Balsam, bay, cinnamon, cumin, lavender.


 Licorice reduces both vátha and pitta.

 The herb, a common treatment for bronchitis and colds, may be chewed directly, taken as a tea, or made into a medicated ghee, or clarified butter, preparation.


 Can be very toxic if eaten. Eating as few as two nutmeg kernals can cause death. Use only in the medicinal amount. Consult a physician before using nutmeg medicinally. Pregnant women and people in high pitta condition should avoid nutmeg. Nutmeg has hallucinogenic properties.

The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments

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