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Doctor Good Evening, friend! Where have you come from?

Spirit Somebody told me to come here, but I do not know what I should do. My condition is so strange that I cannot understand it. I do not realize where I am.

Dr. You are in Los Angeles, California.

Sp. No! There are many here who wanted me to come, but I cannot understand why. I do not know any of you here.

Dr. You were brought here to be helped.

Sp. I do not know that I need any help. Things look so confusing to me.

Dr. That is because you do not understand your condition. Where do you think you should be?

Sp. Where my home is.

Dr. What state did you live in?

Sp. Of course, most of the time I was in New York, but at times I was in London and

other places.

Dr. Cannot you see any one you know, or the one who brought you here?

Sp. Oh! (Disturbed greatly by pain in limb.)

Dr. Were you in some accident? Were you traveling? What is the last thing you remember?

Sp. I was very sick; I had such pain.

Dr. Probably that was your last illness. Did you become well suddenly?

Sp. No, it seems to me that I have been sleeping, and in some way or another, I am just

waking up. Everything looks so queer.

Dr. You do not understand your condition. You do not need to have that pain. If you say: “I will not have that pain,” it will disappear. Will you do that?

Sp. Yes, but it seems very hard to say. You are a Christian Scientist, are you not? I looked into Christian Science, but I certainly could not say my pains were imagination. Dr. You are in a different condition now. Do you ever see any of your friends around you?

Sp. Yes, I sometimes see many of my particular friends that have gone before, and then I think to myself that I have gone crazy. My friends are around me, and some one says: “Wake up!” But I cannot see. I do not want to see them.

Dr. That is because you do not want to understand. Were you afraid of them when they were living?

Sp. No, I was not.

Dr. Then why should you be afraid of them when they have lost their mortal bodies?

Sp. I am afraid and very nervous, and I do not want them to come near me. Why don't my lovely friends come?

Dr. To your earthly friends you are dead, but to your spirit friends you are not dead.

Sp. I was sick, but I cannot remember that I died. I went to sleep but I cannot remember that I failed to wake up. Several of my friends just came and called me to go with them.

Dr. Do you know why they told you to wake up? To your spirit friends you are only sleeping.

Sp. Why do they call me?

Dr. To help you and make you understand.

Sp. I do not know you.

Dr. I am Dr. Wickland. Who brought you here?

Sp. Anna H. (an actress well known to the spirit during earth life) told me to come.

Dr. She spoke to us once as you are doing now.

Sp. She came to me but I knew she was dead and gone.

Dr. She is not dead. We do not see you, we only hear you talk. You do not see me,

you only see my body. Mind is invisible; there is no death.

Sp. So many people have come to me and want me to wake up, and start in my work again.

Dr. If you do not mind telling us, we should like to know who you are.

Sp. Don't you know me? I was an actress. I was known as Lillian R. I am not dead. William Stead came to me, and also the late King Edward. I was his favorite actress. I cannot understand why I came here. They say I was brought here for you to awaken me. Dr. We are interested in life's problems and in the question, “What becomes of the Dead.”

Sp. I studied some, but only understood slightly the phenomena. I studied, but at the same time my life was so busy, so much taken up with others, and I was also trying to live the best I knew how. I am very tired and sleepy.

Dr. What was the nature of your sickness?

Sp. They told me so many different things until at last I do not know what it was. I had such dreadful pains down this way (from the knee down). I was unconscious for a time.

I cannot remember things very clearly; in some way I seem to have lost my memory. I cannot recollect anything of the past. I feel different, as if I had nothing to look forward to in the future. I am not unhappy, but at the same time I am not happy.

Dr. We will explain matters to you. You do not need to worry.

Sp. My friends came and I would not have anything to do with them. They said,

“Come along,” but I said, “No, no, no! I am not ready yet. I do not want to go.”

Dr. You had already gone, but did not understand it. Your friends came to help you, but you did not understand it. Do you know where you are now? This is my wife's body you are using. She is sleeping. You are not talking through your own body.

Sp. (Noticing another invisible, formerly a friend.) John J. A. is here.

Dr. This lady is a psychic. She is my wife and allows spirits to control her so that we can make them understand their condition. Mr. John J. A., Mr. Stead and Anna H. could not make you understand.

Sp. I was afraid of them.

Dr. This is a “Clearing House” for just such conditions as yours. You are a spirit and are controlling a mortal body. We on the mortal side can talk to you because we are in our mortal bodies. You have lost your physical body, but have a spiritual body. When you passed away you only went to sleep, and you are just now waking up. You awaken and find yourself in this twilight.

Sp. Someone seemed to give me an electric shock and I seemed to come to life, but still I am dazed. There is a room full of faces, people whom I have known in life, but who have passed on. They have been around me trying to talk to me, but I would not listen. Dr. That was your mistake.

Sp. Does the spirit still live?

Dr. Certainly it does. We are mortals, but these others whom you see are spirits.

Sp. They are just as real as you are.

Dr. They are more real than we are, because they are free, and we are in a dream state. Sp. I feel that my being well is just a dream and that I will wake up in pain.

Dr. When you leave here you will go with the others.

Sp. Do you mean I can go with them?

Dr. As soon as you cease to resist them.

Sp. Here comes one, then another, and they say they want me.

Dr. Don't you remember that Longfellow said:

“Life is real! Life is earnest!

And the grave is not its goal;

Dust thou art, to dust returnest,

Was not spoken of the soul.”

Sp. What beautiful things I see! Are they not beautiful! This is not a dream.

Dr. They are showing you some of the things on the spirit side of life.

Sp. Just look at those beautiful homes on that hillside! Look at those lovely walks, beautiful lakes and hills, lovely flowers that bloom everywhere! Isn't it beautiful! Can I go there?

Dr. There is nothing to hinder you except your own unwillingness and resistance.

Sp. I was an actress in life, still in my heart I believed in a God. You know the church always looks down on actresses. I always liked to give the world the best there was in me. I wanted to show what we can do to help amuse people.

Dr. You can do the same thing now in your new life.

Sp. In a way, many would say that I was not a Christian. In my own way I believed in being good and doing good for others - that was my belief. At times I went to church, but at times I did not feel at home in that atmosphere. I always tried to do my best.

Dr. The reason you did not feel at home in church was because the spirit of truth was not there.

Sp. Look at the lights! Are they not beautiful! they are singing and vibrating into different shades and tunes. The colorings are wonderful.

I will try to do there what I could not do here. I should, many times, have liked to give the world more than good and happy thoughts. I knew at times that life must have a greater purpose than is generally realized. I was true to myself, in my own heart.

Such beautiful things I can see! Is that Heaven?

Dr. Yes, but not the Christian “Heaven.” Not the “Heaven of Salvation,” but the spirit world surrounding the earth world. Jesus taught the existence of spirits and a spirit world, and Paul says: “There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body . . . first that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual.”

Sp. Anna H. says she is different now from what she was when I knew her. She says I do not know her now. She is serving and helping the unfortunate ones. She says she wanted to do what she could to wake me up. May I ask what you are doing here?

Dr. This is an Institution for research and the obtaining of knowledge concerning what becomes of the dead. This is also a Spiritual Clearing House.

This lady you are controlling is my wife; she is a psychic intermediary and you are allowed to use her body and brain to convince you of your present condition. You are using a body not your own. (Raising Mrs. Wickland's hand.) This is not your hand.

Sp. No, it is not. It is queer.

Dr. The queer part is the human ignorance on these points.

Sp. The church does not teach these things.

Dr. The church limits itself to faith alone, and does not desire to add the required knowledge regarding the natural continuation of the spirit after death.

The Bible says that to our faith we must add knowledge and Jesus taught: “Know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

If you had understood these truths you would have accepted the spirit friends who came to you when you awakened.

Sp. It is all so beautiful that I should like to go with them. They say that when I am stronger I shall finish my work over there. How will they take care of me? I am very weak.

Dr. You will not be so weak when you leave this body. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” You will be received with love and taken to a beautiful home. You will be so overjoyed with your new condition that you will not have time to be weak.

Sp. Will I not go into a sleep again?

Dr. When you were sick and in great pain you were probably given opiates and they may have had a stupefying effect.

Sp. Thank you. Now they are calling me and I feel that I want to go. I feel such gratitude to you for helping me, and for being the means of my understanding, and also for helping me to reach my friends so that I may know how to go to them, instead of shutting the door against them and leaving myself in the dark.

I thank you all that I had the opportunity of being awakened to such a beautiful condition as I now see. I was only in the darkness of my own consciousness. They call me, and keep on calling me, and they all say they are glad to invite me to their home in the spirit world.

There is one thing they want me to say, but I do not know whether I am strong enough. One gentleman says: “I was King Edward in life, but I am an ordinary person now. I wanted to wake you up, because I have been awakened from the life I led. My mother was a Queen, but she is a Queen no longer. She has to serve others more than she did when she was on earth.

“My mother knew of spirit phenomena and she also knew of spirit return, but she did not know what her duty was, and she was waited on all her life. She was never allowed to do anything or have any real responsibility. She serves here and there. Now I have to serve and help until I understand the real life.”

This gentleman says that is the message he wished to send. He came to say this because you probably thought he was still a King. He is here only as a man. He wants to help you as the others are doing. He is not of noble or royal blood any more.

All my friends have come to shake hands and they all seem to be one family.

I want to say Good Night, but how will I go?

Dr. “Thought is the solver of Nature's problems.” Think of your friends over there and you will be with them. You will have to fix your mind from here to there. Think, “I am actually there.”

Sp. I certainly want to thank you for the opportunity of coming here and for awakening me so that I can be with my friends over there.

The organism of every human being generates a nervous force and magnetism which surrounds him with an atmosphere of vital emanations and psychic light known as the Magnetic Aura. This aura is visible as a light to earthbound spirits in their condition of darkness, and they may become attracted to persons peculiarly susceptible to their encroachment.

Such spirits are often unable to leave this psychic atmosphere and in the resulting state of confusion - (“confusional psychosis”?) - although struggling for freedom, they find themselves living the life of the psychic with him, resenting his presence and bewildered by a sense of dual personality.

After a number of spirits had been taken from a patient who was very unmanageable at first, we had the following experience, which clearly shows the suffering that spirits may endure when enmeshed in the aura of a mortal.

30 Years Among the Dead

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