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Dr. Good Evening, friend; who are you? (Taking psychic's hand.)

Sp. Don't hold my hand! Don't touch me!

Dr. What is your name?

Sp. My name is Maggie.

Dr. Maggie what?

Sp. Maggie Wilkinson.

Dr. Do you know that you are in Los Angeles? Where did You come from?

Sp. I came from Dallas, Texas.

Dr. How did you reach Los Angeles?

Sp. I am not in Los Angeles, I am in Texas. I have been kicking and kicking all the time.

Dr. Why did you do that?

Sp. I have been kicking because I have been in a prison. (Victim's aura.) There were several of us, but they have all disappeared. (Other obsessing spirits, previously dislodged from patient.) They have all gone but me, and I don't like it.

Dr. Would you like to go where your friends have gone?

Sp. I don't care. I really don't care for the others, anyway. They always wanted to have everything, and I was always behind.

Dr. Don't you realize that you are in a strange condition? Tell us how long you have been dead.

Sp. Dead! Why is that woman with me all the time? (Patient.) She always gets fire. She gets the worst kind of things. She gets up on something, puts something over her head, and then fire comes! (When Mrs. Burton seated herself upon a platform beside the static machine, she covered her head with a woolen blanket to make the electricity more effective.)

Dr. Do you feel that you are in the right place?

Sp. Where shall I go?

Dr. To the spirit world.

Sp. What is that?

Dr. That is where people go, after passing out of their bodies, when they have understanding. Don't you realize that something strange has happened to you?

Sp. If you could get that blanket from being put on my head, and that fire, I should be all right. It seems that I was knocked to pieces. How in the world can anyone stand being shot at like that?

Dr. That was done to chase you out. Do you not feel free now? What have you been doing since you last had those shots”?

Sp. I am glad I was chased out, for I feel better now than I have for some time.

Dr. Do you realize that you are controlling my wife's body?

Sp. Thank God, I am not.

Dr. This body, which you are using, belongs to my wife.

Sp. Your wife, nothing!

Dr. Do you recognize the clothes you are wearing?

Sp. That's nothing to me.

Dr. Where did you get them?

Sp. I'm no thief! I am going to have you arrested for calling me a thief. The first police station I find, I shall swear out a warrant against you.

Dr. Maggie, what is the color of your hair?

Sp. Brown-dark brown.

Dr. (Touching psychic's hair.) This hair is not brown. These clothes belong to my wife.

Sp. I don't care whether they are my clothes or not; I never asked for them.

Dr. Tell us how long you have been dead.

Sp. I'm not dead. One time you say one thing, and another time you say another.

Dr. I mean, when did you lose your body?

Sp. I haven't lost my body; it's not in the grave.

Dr. Were you ever sick, and did you suddenly become better?

Sp. I was very sick, and when I got better, I was in a prison. I was moving around and some woman bothered me. There were lots of us, but they all got so scared of the fire that they left.

Dr. When did you come to Los Angeles?

Sp. I'm not in Los Angeles; I'm in Dallas, Texas. If I am in Los Angeles, how did I get here?

Dr. You must have come with a lady who has red hair. (Mrs. B., seated nearby.)

Sp. She had no right to bring me here.

Dr. She also came from Texas.

Sp. What became of the others?

Dr. They were brought to an understanding and went to the spirit world. That is where you should be. Why should you hover around that woman?

Sp. Hover around - nothing! I have been in a prison, but I could not help it. I did what I could to get out. Those people I saw said they would help me out, but they didn't. I made quite a disturbance, and they went away from me.

Dr. Probably they brought you here.

Sp. All I see is people sitting around.

Mrs. B. Did you come out here with me? What do you want to bother me for?

Sp. I have nothing to do with you. Oh! you're the one that kept me in the prison!

Mrs. B. What was the name of that girl friend of yours You used to be with? (Referring to another spirit that had been troubling Mrs. B)

Sp. Where? In Texas?

Mrs. B. Yes.

Sp. Her name was Mary, and there was another one, Carrie.

Mrs. B. Did Carrie come with you?

Sp. Yes, of course. Say, what did you keep me closed up for? Why didn't you let me out?

Mrs. B. I kept telling you to get out.

Sp. I know you did, but you didn't open the door so I could go.

Dr. All you had to do was to think yourself free from that lady.

Sp. I can't think myself free.

Dr. Intelligent spirits can think themselves anywhere; it is only ignorant spirits who cannot.

Sp. (To Mrs. B.) Say, what did you keep me around you for?

Dr. You were an uninvited guest.

Mrs. B. I'm glad to get rid of you.

Sp. I'm glad too. I'm mighty glad to get out of that prison. Why didn't you let me out?

I knocked and knocked, but you kept me there. (To Dr. W.) You gave me those fire things, then I got out, and I'm glad of it.

Dr. Did you get out after the last treatment?

Sp. You call that a “treatment”?

Dr. If you got out of that lady, I should call it a good treatment.

Sp. You don't know how I suffered from that fire, especially the shooting. You are the one that gave me that fire, and I don't like you!

Dr. I had to give the lady those treatments to get you out.

Sp. You think that devil-machine is a little god. You want me to go - where?

Dr. To the spirit world.

Sp. Where is that?

Dr. A place where the discarnated spirits go to get understanding. You have lost your physical body but do not understand it, and you have been bothering that lady. (Mrs. B.) Mrs. B. When once I get you and the others out, I shall keep the door closed, and closed so tight that none of you can get in.

Dr. Think yourself free and you will not be in a prison. Mortals cannot travel by thought, but spirits can. You are invisible to us. You are temporarily using the body of another; this body, belongs to my wife.

Sp. You have told me that before.

Dr. Can't you see you are in a strange condition?

Mrs. B. Do you know Maggie Mackin? (Another spirit whose presence Mrs. B. had

clairaudiently been aware of.)

Sp. Yes, and I know Mary too.

Dr. How old were you when you passed out of your body? Can you recall something of your past?

Sp. I remember being out riding and the horses ran away, then everything became dark, and since then I do not seem to remember much.

Dr. Do you know what year it is?

Sp. I don't have to answer you. Are you a lawyer or a judge? Who are you?

Dr. I'm a “fireman.” Can you realize that it is 1920?

Sp. It doesn't bother me that much. (Snapping fingers.) I don't care.

Dr. I thought you were anxious to get out of your trouble.

Sp. I wanted to get out of that prison, and now I feel better than I have for years.

Mrs. B. You ought to thank Doctor for getting you out.

Sp. That man ought to be arrested for giving those shots. It made you feel like your head was going to the dickens.

Dr. Can you see any of your friends here?

Sp. There are two Indians, one is a big fellow, and one is a girl, and there is a lady with curly hair and light blue eyes. (Spirits.)

Dr. Does the Indian girl answer to the name of “Silver Star” ? (One of Mrs. Wickland's guides.)

Sp. Yes.

Dr. These spirits will help you to progress in the spirit life.

Sp. There's one thing sure, I'm going to Heaven, and not to the other place. I went to

church and was a good woman.

Dr. Those persons whom you see are spirits like yourself. We do not see them.

Sp. They are there, just the same. They say if I will go along with them, they will show me a nice home. That would be nice, for I haven't had a home for a long time. Am I going to have that fire any more? I won't go to that woman with the red hair any more, either, and I thank God for that.

Dr. Now think yourself free and go with these friends. Sp. All right, I will go. Goodbye!

When Mrs. Burton first came to us she could not follow any occupation, but after the obsessing spirits were removed she was able to take a clerical position in a large commercial house.

30 Years Among the Dead

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