Читать книгу Aris Reigns: The Kingdom of Vampires - Devin Morgan - Страница 16



Aris paced the floor outside the closed chamber doors. Bartholomew had agreed to see him as soon as the twelve members of the Council were assembled. Sounds of heavy chairs scraping against the stone floor escaped through the door as the appointed leaders of the Catacombs took their places. At last, when all was silent, the huge doors swung open. Richard stepped forward to lead his friend into the chamber.

“So Aris, what news do you bring us from Spain?” Bartholomew, Head Council, was the only one standing, his long black councilor’s robe hung open over his expensive modern business suit and tie.

“As you know,” Aris replied to the question, “there is now civil war between the King and Queen. This gives us precious additional time to make ready to attack. They both want the Infinity Diaries and they will stop at nothing until they possess them or they are all extinguished. While they battle one another, we must step up our training. The weapons are at the ready. I have spoken to the commanders and the troops are coming along, but we must escalate our labors. The Spanish coven’s civil war does give us some extra days, yet time is still of the essence. We must hasten to Spain. There can be no battles in England. If there is, the humans will know of us and our world will be destroyed. Without our existence, the human race will become food for DeMarco’s minions. There must be no battles in England.”

Silence hung heavy as Bartholomew glanced from one Council member to another. At last he spoke. “And what of this human, this Sarah Hagan? Where is she?”

“She is above ground and safe at the moment.”

One of the female members stood. Her voice was soft and clear and all turned to look toward her when she spoke. “This Sarah was in the presence of the King and Queen in Spain?”


“Why did they capture this human?”

“They wish to kill her for her actions when they were all human together in a century long ago. They hate her for her past and fear her for her knowledge of them in the present. She knows much.”

“And what has she to tell?”

“All that she saw and heard; the lay of the castle, the thoughts of our enemies. She was among them and knows their treachery has no bounds.”

Another Councilor spoke up. “Aris, what did she tell you of them?”

“I believe no one can speak for Sarah. She must speak for herself if we can keep her safe. I request that she be brought to the Catacombs for sanctuary. When she is here, you may question her your honorable selves. She needs our protection due to what she has seen and for her loyalty to the Immortals.”

Everyone was still, waiting. Bartholomew broke the silence at last. “Bring a human to the Catacombs? Do you have any idea what you ask? It is against the basic law of our society to bring a human into our world.”

“Her willingness to tell us all she learned has put her life at great risk. We are unable to protect her in her world. She was kidnapped from our safekeeping once and it can happen again. Only here, beneath ground, will she be safe. Only under our protection will she be free to share what she knows and help us defeat the Spanish.”

Bartholomew remembered the trial of Aris. He remembered the tale told of the modern woman who was the reincarnation of the sixteenth century soul-mate of the tortured vampire. The Head Councilor knew without asking the true reason Aris petitioned for the human to come below ground. He could not bear to lose her again. And Bartholomew understood.

He spoke. “I will ask for an audience with Queen Akira. She must make the final decision.” The other members of the Council murmured among themselves, disconcerted by the thought of a human among them, a human without desire to become Immortal. “When our business is complete, I will seek a discussion with the Queen.”

“There is more to discuss?”

“Yes, Aris. Sebastian has a new member of the training corps to introduce to you. She arrived while you were in Spain.” Bartholomew beckoned the guard to open the great doors and Sebastian entered followed by the newcomer.

“Sebastian, brother.” Aris embraced his friend. “And who is this warrior?” He smiled as he extended his hand in friendship to the woman who stood before him.

“Kitsuko.” The petite young Asian woman tilted her head and placed the palms of her small hands together in front of her chest in greeting.

“Kitsuko is a jujitsu master and will train the troops in evasion and techniques to turn the enemy’s strength against themselves. She was made in ancient Japan.” The young woman tilted her head forward and lowered her gaze to the floor, appearing to be embarrassed to be the subject of conversation.

When he realized the female was not going to speak, Sebastian continued, “As a child, a traveling monk came to her village. He told fascinating stories of the first fighting monks to be trained at his monastery. He told tales of their great physical prowess and high spiritual powers. It was from that day forth, that her wish above all things was to become one with that unique order. In her twelfth year, she ran away from her village, traveling in disguise as a young boy. Females were not allowed at the monastery and she was determined to find a way to be accepted.”

Aris caught her eye and smiled. The corners of her red lips turned up and she closed her eyes as she tilted her head toward him. He couldn’t imagine anyone so small and delicate in a battle.

Sebastian continued. “Kitsuko began as a servant to the monks and as time passed, she pleaded to be accepted into the order. Because of her diminutive size, the trials and tests presented her could have been overwhelming, yet her amazing speed was the great equalizer with her opponents. Taken in and trained at last, her skills were so exceptional that, soon, her fame began to spread.

“The young monk came to the attention of a small coven of Immortals living near the monastery. Their leader began to hear new stories of a great warrior in training. She decided to visit the cloister to see for herself if all the tales she heard were true. Spending but a short time with the legendary fighter, the coven leader realized that this powerful force was, in fact, a female. Intrigued, she had the young monk watched closely by members of the coven and was soon even more impressed by the reports, not just with Kitsuko’s physical ability, but also with her honor and integrity. Eventually, Kitsuko was approached and courted to join the Immortals. When she was offered eternal life, she agreed and it was there she was changed. Her fighting skill is unique and powerful. She is brave and loyal, coming to us the moment she found the Catacombs had need of recruits.”

Aris placed his hands together and, responding in kind, tipped his head toward the woman, returning her respect and honor.

“We welcome you,” Aris spoke. “We are grateful for your assistance. Will you join us on the training floor tomorrow?”

Kitsuko nodded her head in agreement. Sebastian smiled at his friend before turning to lead the new captain from the Council meeting.

The sound of the great doors once again being opened signaled Aris it was also time for him to leave. He bowed his head toward the assembly who held his and Sarah’s fate in their hands as he slowly backed out of the chamber.

Sarah circled her traveling bag much the same way a lioness surveys her prey. Chuckling, Gabriela sat on the edge of the bed.

“It is not as if you are traveling to another planet. Anything you need, we are able to provide.” She noticed her friend’s hands tremble as she folded a blouse to pack in the open suitcase. “Sarah, are you frightened to go to the Catacombs? You know you are in no danger from any of us.”

“I know. It isn’t that.” She sat next to her friend.


“It’s just being below the ground. I’m not really fond of caves and pitch dark and rocks and cold.”

“Your mental image of the Catacombs is simply an image, not as it truly is. It is warm and bright. The surroundings are marvelous, a perfect blend of modern and ancient. You are to be welcomed by all who live there.”

“I know. But meeting the Council? That is a little bit scary. You have to admit that. I’m used to being with you and Richard and Aris, just the three of you. I know you. I’m comfortable with you. I can’t imagine what it’s going to feel like to be surrounded by nothing but Immortals, to be the only human on the block.” Her chin trembled as she tried to grin.

“One of we three will be with you any time you need us. If you wish human companionship, we will bring you above ground. But you must be kept safe until we march on Spain. Once the Spanish coven is no more, you will no longer be in any danger. Your life can return to normal. You see, Sarah, Aris will not leave you and without him, our cause is lost. Only with you safe in the Catacombs will he take his position as commander of the army.”

“I understand.” Sarah rose and resumed her packing knowing her life would never be what Gaby called normal again. After a moment she spoke. “I really have stepped through the looking glass and now I’m on my way to Wonderland. Who would have ever thought?”

Aris Reigns: The Kingdom of Vampires

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