Читать книгу Aris Reigns: The Kingdom of Vampires - Devin Morgan - Страница 17



“I am so sorry, sweeting, but I must bind your eyes.” Richard drove while Gabriela sat by his side. Aris and Sarah rode in the back seat as the car made its way through the crowded early evening London traffic. “No human may ever know the entrance to the Catacombs.” He tied a black silk scarf over her eyes then took her hand in his.

“I understand.” Her voice was shaking as she answered.

Gabriela turned at the sound. “Sarah, do not be afraid. All is well.”

A nervous laugh escaped Sarah’s throat as she tried to speak. “Easy for you to say.”

Gabriela reached into the back of the car to pat her friend on the hand. “No fears. Aris has worked like a madman to create a place for you that will be comfortable for you. We are all here to stand by you. Your stay will be made as pleasant as those of us who love you can make it. And you will be safe from harm. Soon we travel to Spain and this will all be behind you. You will no longer be in danger and can return to your human world.”

Her human world. Sarah thought about her friends in Chicago. Colleen, Bob and their daughter, Collette, her godchild. Bonnie, her therapist and friend. Maggie, her assistant who always made her laugh. When she telephoned them, they had all readily accepted her story that she was going to stay in England a few additional weeks to travel. Bonnie had been more than willing to help by taking over her practice while she was gone. Maggie would step in whenever she was needed. She was happy to have some free time to spend with her new boyfriend.

Sarah loved her human friends. She missed them. She longed to share her other life with them. Her secret caused a deep gap in their relationships only Sarah felt. Her mind raced between her two worlds as the car drew to a halt.

“We have arrived.” Aris spoke softly. “Here, take my hand. I will lead you.”

She felt the warmth of his hand on hers as the car door opened. Carefully, she stepped out. The atmosphere around her was close and moist. There was no light shining through the black silk that bound her eyes. She knew there was no turning back. Aris squeezed her hand, wrapping his free arm around her waist to guide her into the deep cavern of his world.

A gentle breeze touched Sarah’s hair and the air she breathed was warm and sweet. The four friends had walked for what seemed an eternity to her. They maneuvered stairs and countless corridors speaking only when necessary, Aris guiding her confidently forward. The floor beneath her feet changed from hard stone to soft carpet. Their movements no longer echoed on the walls.

“We are here.” He untied the silk binding her eyes. “Here are your rooms.”

Even though the light in the room was soft, her eyes had been bound for such a long time, she blinked furiously. As she became accustomed to the light, she saw the wondrous room that surrounded her. Aris had created a palace for her.

The walls were covered in pale blue silk brocade. An over-stuffed sofa and chair upholstered in the softest pink velvet sat before a fireplace blazing in welcome. The white marble mantle held an antique porcelain clock flanked by blond cherubs on both sides. Pink and white roses rested on the table before the fireplace. Perfect white marble lamps with pale, pale pink silk shades sat on the side tables.

“It’s beautiful.” She wrapped her arms around Aris and buried her face in his shoulder, taking in the intoxicating fragrance of his skin.

“Come.” He took her hand. “See your bed chamber.” He led her from the room as Richard and Gabriela sat quietly gazing into the fire.

A four poster bed large enough for a whole family waited for her. The bed hangings and spread were white satin; the walls were covered by tapestries. Thick silk Persian carpets adorned the floor. Sconces mounted on either side of the bed radiated the soft light of a perfect sunset.

The bathroom was appointed with a huge claw foot tub and pedestal sink as well as all the necessities to fulfill her human needs.

He watched her closely as she examined every inch of the beautifully decorated room before her. “Will you be comfortable here?”

Turning to him, she smiled. “Aris, how can I ever express my gratitude? You have given me a haven of safety that looks like Versailles. How in the world did you do this so quickly?”

He laughed. “Super powers, remember?”

“How could I ever forget?”

“Are you hungry?”

“There’s a kitchen too?”

“Not a full kitchen. You have a small pantry and a place to brew coffee and tea. Your meals will be delivered to you. There is a call button in the pantry. If you desire anything at any time, simply press the button. One of our women has been assigned to assist you with anything you might need. She will bring your food and keep your quarters for you. If you like, we can summon her now so that you may meet her this evening.”

“At the moment, I don’t know what I would like. I’m amazed at this home you’ve created for me. It is so beautiful, so royal.” She gazed at the lights. “Even below ground without windows or sunlight, the room is warm and bright and welcoming.”

“See here?” Lightly touching one of the wall sconces, he changed the brilliance of the globes. “You are able to change the light to match whatever time of day you choose. Watch as the light changes from sunset to sunrise with the touch of a finger.” Again he reached toward the sconce. “And now, mid-day.”

“How did you do that? What are those globes made of?”

“Immortal light. There are many wonders in the Catacombs. Tomorrow we will begin to show you, but for now, rest. I will wait with the others while you dress for bed. Tomorrow morning you meet with the Council and Queen Akira.”

Sarah stiffened at his words.

“Have no fear. You are safe here. All who live underground know of your visit. They all are grateful you chose to come among us to aid in the planning of the battle to come.”

“I’m not afraid, just a little anxious.”

“I understand. Now take your time to bathe and dress for sleep. I will be waiting.” He stepped from the room, closing the tall white door behind him. Sarah stood in the center of the chamber, her eyes drinking in the opulence that surrounded her.

It truly is Wonderland and tomorrow, I meet the Queen.”

Lying in the warm bed covered with a thick down comforter, Sarah drifted in and out of slumber. After her bath, Aris had called for Jane Howard, her attendant. Her attendant? How strange it was to her to have someone to meet her needs. She had taken care of herself since she was sixteen and now, once again, she was in the charge of another being.

Jane was young and beautiful. She was shy and cast her eyes down when they met. Sarah liked her immediately yet she wasn’t sure she liked the white wolf that entered the room with Jane. He sat rock still by the door as the human and the Immortal exchanged greetings. Sarah was glad Aris, Gabriela and Richard were with her. A wild animal sitting in her living space staring at her was yet another new and strange experience. Since Aris entered her life it seemed every day had been filled with nothing but new and strange experiences.

The soft texture of the sheets brought memories of nights in her bed in her Chicago apartment. She remembered the sensual dreams she had had of Aris. He made love to her over and over in her nighttime fantasies, yet kisses were all they shared in the real world. There were times when she wanted him so deeply it became the sweetest of pain. She wrapped her arms across her chest, curling up on her side as she put her craving for him out of her mind.

At last Sarah drifted into a sweet, deep sleep while Aris watched over her during her first night in the Catacombs. He knew he would not be able to stay with her as he wished. His duties to the army would take most of his time until the Immortals left to fight in Spain so he relished this night watching her sleep. He valiantly overcame his desire to hold her and caress her, to make her truly his body and soul.

Aris Reigns: The Kingdom of Vampires

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