Читать книгу Leading with Empathy - Gautham Pallapa - Страница 29

An Exercise to Reduce Stress


Here is a simple exercise that you can perform any time you feel overwhelmed by stress or anxiety.

 Close your eyes. Take three deep, slow breaths. Now relax your shoulders and assume a comfortable position. It could be leaning back in your chair, your favorite place on your couch, or even on the floor. The objective is to be comfortable and relaxed.

 Next, with your eyes closed, think of a memory or event that brings a smile to your face or warmth in your heart. Focus on that happiness or warmth that you feel when you relive that memory.

 Keep breathing and continue to keep your eyes closed. Let that warmth spread all over you down to your fingertips and toes. Allow that feeling of happiness to envelope you and bask in it. Go back in time and think hard about how you felt then. Where were you at that time? What was the weather? Who was with you? Did you smell anything nice? What were your fingers feeling?

 Spend some time in that memory. Then, slowly open your eyes, take three more deep breaths, and get up.

Hopefully, you feel relaxed and less stressed after this exercise. Repeat this whenever you feel overwhelmed and need some calm.

Leading with Empathy

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