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When we talk about magic tricks we think of a show in which mysterious forces are involved, moved by accumulated energy that is displayed. In fact, magic, or more accurately prestidigitation, is a practice, the results of which depend exclusively on manual dexterity. This book will help you discover the magician within you, and the fast results will more than compensate for the work done while learning. No one can resist the curiosity to see the hands of a professional in action and be charmed. Because of this, everyone likes the idea of being able to feel like a little bit of a “magician” themselves, a friendly manufacturer of illusions.

A show of illusionism is fun and a safe way to entertain a group of friends at home or on special occasions. Children are mesmerised by simple games that use colourful objects. For them, the fun is the show, but even more so in the preparation of special effects. Following the instructions provided, parents and educators can accompany their children and walk them through this enchanted world. We may not all be born prestidigitators, but constant practice of correct advice can help the novice obtain satisfactory results. The games featured in this book are almost all easily performed, although like any test of ability, they require regular practice in the beginning.

Within each chapter, the games are presented in order of difficulty, starting with the simplest. The majority can be made of materials that are available to everyone and do not require special materials. Only a few games need, for a perfect success, a box or a frame, and in order to obtain the best effect, it is necessary to maintain a considerable distance between the magician and the audience. During performances, the audience should usually be at a level lower than the magician. Where it has been possible, instructions have been provided to make the necessary instruments by hand. The imagination in preparing the show at a very detailed level will undoubtedly increase the amazing effects each spectator expects to see in an exhibition of “magic”. Finally, in the diagrams, when the presence and placement of threads, rubber bands and other tricks need to be made clear, they have been featured on clothing and on a background. Obviously, the aspiring magician will have to adopt the opposite principle and choose colours that are as “mimetic” as possible.

The Best Magic Games

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