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THE MYSTERY OF THE CHAMBERLAIN 15 Tales of Fiction Painting Author: Gonzalo Ríos Araneda Translated by Scott Spanbauer Design and layout: Sergio Cruz Editorial Forja General Bari N° 234, Providencia, Santiago-Chile. Phones: 56-24153230, 56-24153208. info@editorialforja.cl www.editorialforja.cl www.elatico.cl Design and layout: Sergio Cruz First edition: 2021, April. Total or partial reproduction is prohibited. All rights reserved. No part of this publication, including the cover design, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, chemical, optical, recording or photocopying, without prior permission of the publisher. Intellectual Property Register: 2021-A-1384 ISBN: 9789563385212 eISBN: 9789563385229

The Mystery of the Chamberlain

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