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Throughout the mesosystem of the culturally responsive counseling leader, the focus is on connections. According to Bronfenbrenner (1979), the mesosystem focuses on the interactions between individuals’ microsystems. For example, how do counseling leaders’ students (i.e., classroom as one microsystem) interact with other counseling faculty at programs or events (i.e., faculty colleagues as micro-system). Counseling leaders work hard to be present and accessible in a variety of contexts (e.g., department-wide programs, student events, information sessions) that provide opportunities for deeper and more meaningful connections, helping to ensure that their connections are diverse and meaningful.

BLM advocacy step. Culturally responsive counseling leaders can advocate for the BLM movement in the context of their mesosystems by connecting the various members of their microsystems to provide opportunities for shared learning about the movement. For example, leaders can invite speakers or presenters to their campuses for professional development and continuing education activities that support the BLM movement. A variety of counseling and allied mental health educators can provide professional development for preservice counselors, practicing counselors, and counselor educators.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of this advocacy step. Culturally responsive leaders can evaluate the effectiveness of this step by having the courage to evaluate the scope, sequence, frequency, and diversity of how their microsystems interact. Counseling leaders must be brave enough to closely examine who they engage with to provide professional development for their learning community and reflect honestly on their motivations for those choices. This stronger and more structured approach enables leaders to closely examine the choices they make.

Counseling Leaders and Advocates

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