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The macrosystem encompasses the overall influence of the broader social and cultural values of the larger community. In this application, counseling leaders recognize the historical and systemic racism that has been enacted in the United States since its inception and has been acknowledged by the counseling profession and use this knowledge as an impetus to systematically fight against racism through social justice advocacy.

BLM advocacy step. Culturally responsive counseling leaders can advocate for the BLM movement within the macrosystem by taking individual and collective action to actively recruit and support Black counselor educators, help enable their success as faculty, and encourage their pursuit of leadership opportunities within the profession. The faculty in counseling programs and in counseling leadership remains overwhelmingly White, reflecting the historic lack of effective recruitment, retention, and engagement of Black counseling faculty.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of this advocacy step. Culturally responsive counseling leaders can advocate for the BLM movement by actively acknowledging and resisting the ways Black counselor educators have been marginalized in the profession. By examining issues ranging from grossly underrepresented Black counseling faculty to poor recruitment of Black students in counseling programs, counseling leaders can assess their role in resisting and disrupting these problems.

Counseling Leaders and Advocates

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