Читать книгу The Together Leader - Heyck-Merlin Maia - Страница 15

Section 1
Set the Stage
Chapter 1
Leading in a Mission-Driven Context
How to Use This Book


First get your own systems up to snuff, as described in Section 1 and Section 2. After you feel super sharp, move to team systems, going slowly to accommodate your colleagues' habits, preferences, and appetites. To make the most of the resources in this book, you could also try the methods listed in the following sections.

Independently with the Reader Reflection

I recommend downloading or printing out the Reader's Reflection Guide from my website, www.thetogethergroup.com. Here you will find diagnostics, discussion and thinking questions, and bulleted summaries to wrap up each section. Tuck a printed copy inside the cover of the book or keep a soft copy open on your desktop. If you complete the Reader Reflection as you review each chapter, I guarantee you will feel well equipped to tackle each aspect of Togetherness!

Accountability Partners

You could also read this book with a partner on your team, in your organization, or even in another organization. Select a chapter per week, share answers from the Reader Reflection, and examine the corresponding samples on my website. Working together, you can take the self-assessments and quizzes, share artifacts, and brainstorm roll-out processes with your teams. You might even send each other drafts of your tools.

Improve Team Performance

You could read this book as an entire team to see what concepts and rituals stick the most as a group. However, I do not recommend that you make portions of this book mandatory; that will quickly backfire on you in the form of quiet rebellion. In my experience, people get motivated to get it Together when they have a clear reason for digging in, such as increasing sustainability or better meeting their own goals.

Regardless of the approach you take to reading, I do recommend going into this book with some sort of clear plan of how you will digest, practice, and apply the tips and tools. Keep a list of ideas on a sticky note, a running document on your laptop, or in your Reader Reflection Guide. If you don't have a plan, you will walk away feeling overwhelmed – which is exactly what I don't want to happen!

The Together Leader

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