Читать книгу The Together Leader - Heyck-Merlin Maia - Страница 16

Section 1
Set the Stage
Chapter 1
Leading in a Mission-Driven Context
Notes on Terminology and Methodology


Finally, a word about terminology: I could have easily titled this book The Together Manager or The Together Supervisor. I just like the word leader best. It feels more all-encompassing of all that we do and everything we try to accomplish. Throughout the book, however, I will use the terms interchangeably. There are lots of articles about the fair and valid differences among the different job titles, but I'm not here to debate them. I'm here to help you manage the time you have to support a cause you believe in. Call yourself what you want, because you are in charge.

Similarly, I know there are many names for support staff, but I'm going to use assistant and let you translate that to your own context. And instead of using the technical term direct reports, I'm most often going to say team members. Last, although some of you work for nonprofits, schools, charter school management companies, religious institutions, school districts, and more, I'm going to use the blanket term organization instead of company or district. This enables me to be as neutral as possible to meet your various needs. Everyone is working with a mission in mind.

In almost all cases, I'm using real people and real organizations who have agreed to open their calendars and habits to you. I'm sure there are many Together leaders and organizations not represented. I always love to gather new examples, so please do feel free to send them my way via my website. Not one of my featured people or organizations is perfect in every way. We all have areas to work on in our own Togetherness journeys. But every single person, team, and organization profiled here is putting forth a concerted effort to keeping Together to help meet professional and personal goals – whatever they may be.

The Together Leader

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