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General Convocation of the Faithful

You will excuse a man who can know no other science, no other style, no other language, than that of Jesus Christ crucified, and who, in the midst of a multitude of occupations which, through the mercy of God, are the affairs of His Master and His Church, has great difficulty in finding a leisure moment

His glory only, His interest only, His love only, is sufficient for us. It is this love which I ask of you, it is to this love that I would exhort you ; if you have this love, though you possess nothing, you have all ; you are therefore very rich. If you have it not, you have nothing, though possessing all things : all consists in loving God, all is vanity which is deprived of that love. The passage we read in Job : Erat vir simplex et rectus ; " He was a simple and upright man is rendered by Saint John Chrysostom and Origen : " Erat ille homo verus." " He was a true man ; because,'* says the learned Origen, " he who does not love God is not a true man, because he ceases to be reasonable ; all reason convincing us that we are only made for the honour and love of the Divinity. "

We read a very remarkable thing on this subject, in the history of Normandy, where we see that, in former times, men were so strongly persuaded that it was the most shameful thing in the world not to love God, that at that time it was a signal affront

The Book of Perpetual Adoration

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