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General Convocation of the Faithful

them this," that holy Father goes on to say, " that they may weep and groan in this vale of tears, so that by their tears they may wash out the faults they have committed against the divine love, and henceforth belong only to Him." State cum eo, et stabitis ; requiescile in eo, et quieti eritis. Quo itis in aspera ? Quo itis ? Bonum quod amatis, ab illo est. Non est requies ubi queer ites earn. Qucerito quod quceritis ; sed ibi non est ubi queer itis. If you attach yourselves to God by love, you will be unwavering; if you rest in Him, you will find peace. Why do you torment yourselves by wandering amongst creatures ? If you seek true happiness, it is He alone who can give it You will never find it where you are seeking it. Seek it as you will, but it is not to be found where you would seek it If you really love God, you will find it, for all is given to those who love. Only love God, and all is gained.

We read in the Lives of the Fathers of the Desert that one day, a good anchorite was giving an account of his spiritual exercises to the holy abbot Joseph, and he asked him what he ought to do to walk safely in the way of perfection. The holy old man, standing up, raised his hands to heaven and his fingers shone miraculously, like ten flames of fire. " It is such," replied he, " that you ought to be, to go truly to God ; a man all on fire,

The Book of Perpetual Adoration

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