Читать книгу Clinical Anatomy for Oral Implantology - Louie Al-Faraje - Страница 17

Trigeminal Nerve


The 12 cranial nerves control motor and sensory functions of the head and neck. Figure 1-10 and Table 1-2 summarize the skull base foramina from which these nerves exit the skull and their functions.

FIG 1-10 The origin of the cranial nerves as seen from an inferior aspect of the brain. n.—nerve.

TABLE 1-2 Exit foramina and functions of the cranial nerves

NerveNameSkull base foraminaFunctions
IOlfactoryCribriform plateSensory for smell
IIOpticOptic canalSensory for vision
IIIOculomotorSuperior orbital fissureMotor for six eye muscles
IVTrachlearSuperior orbital fissureMotor for one eye muscle
V1Trigeminal/ophthalmic divisionSuperior orbital fissureSensory for lacrimal gland, nearby air sinuses, scalp, forehead, upper eyelid, and nose
V2Trigeminal/maxillary divisionForamen rotundumSensory for parts of the nasal and oral cavities and the skin of the cheek and upper lip
V3Trigeminal/mandibular divisionForamen ovaleSensory for the skin over the mandible, lower lip, temporal region, and much of the oral cavityMotor for muscles of mastication as well as the anterior belly of the digastric muscle, mylohyoid muscle, tensor tympani, and tensor veli palatine muscles
VIAbducensSuperior orbital fissureMotor for one eye muscle
VIIFacialInternal auditory meatusMotor for muscles of facial expression, stapidius, and posterior belly of the digastric muscle; also motor for the lacrimal glands, oral and nasal mucosa, and submandibular and sublingual glandsSensory for the external auditory meatus; lateral pinna; mastoid; mucosa of the pharynx, nose, and palate; as well as sensory for taste for the anterior two-thirds of the tongue via the chorda tympani
VIIIVestibulocochlearInternal auditory meatusSensory for balance and hearing
IXGlossopharyngealJugular foramenMotor for the stylopharyngeus muscle and parotid glandSensory for the posterior external ear, tragus, posterior third of the tongue, soft palate, nasopharynx, tympanic membrane, Eustachian tube, and mastoid region and sensory for taste for the posterior third of the tongue
XVagusJugular foramenMotor for the pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles, including the palatoglossus muscle; also motor to the smooth muscles and glands of the pharynx, larynx, heart, esophagus, and stomachSensory for the ear, external auditory meatus, external surface of the tympanic membrane, dura of posterior cranial fossa, larynx, lungs, heart, esophagus, and stomach
XISpinal accessoryJugular foramenMotor for the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles
XIIHypoglossalHypoglossal canalMotor for all intrinsic tongue muscles and all extrinsic tongue muscles except the palatoglossus muscle (innervated by CN X)
Clinical Anatomy for Oral Implantology

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