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LESSON 8. The Seventh Commandment.


Table of Contents

Which is the Seventh Commandment?

Thou shalt not steal.

What does this mean?

We should fear and love God that we may not take our neighbor's money or goods, nor get them by false ware or dealing, but help him to improve and protect his property and business.

1. We should not steal; that means, we should not take our neighbor's money or goods. Our neighbor's, our fellow-man's, money and his goods do not belong to us, but to him They are his property. It is God's will that men should have property, money, and goods that belong to them. All the goods in the world come from Him, they are His gift. He gives to every one as much earthly goods as He pleases, as much or as little as is best for him. There always will be rich people and poor people among us. The property of our neighbor should be sacred to us because it is given him by God, our heavenly Father.

2. We should not take our neighbor's money or goods. It belongs to him according to God's will; therefore we should not steal, that is, not take his property away from him. He may give and present it to us, if he so chooses, but we should not take it. We may buy his goods at a fair price, if he is willing to sell, but we should not take it against his will. This may be done in various ways. Think of the thieves into whose hands the Jew fell who came down from Jerusalem to Jericho. Luke 10,30. They stripped him of his raiment; openly and by force they took his clothes and all that he had. We call such men robbers.— Others do not take their neighbor's property by force, they sneak into their neighbor's house and take his money and valuables secretly, without his knowledge, or they pick his pockets when there is a chance. Achan took some of the spoils of the city of Jericho secretly and hid the goods in the earth under his tent, in order that nobody might know what he had taken. Josh. 7,21. Such men are called thieves; their sin is called theft. Also to-day there are many robbers and thieves in the world.—Beware of taking your fellow-pupil's property, be it ever so small, a pen or a pencil, etc. That would be theft. Remember that your heavenly Father, whom you fear and love, will see you. Our Lord says: "Let him that stole steal no more, but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good." Eph. 4,28.

3. We should not get our neighbor's money and goods by false ware or dealing. That is another way of taking our neighbor's property. Taking our neighbor's property in this manner is generally called fraud or cheating. "Let no man go beyond [what belongs to him according to the will of God], and defraud his brother in any matter [in his trade and business], because that the Lord is the avenger of all such" (the Lord will punish all that commit such frauds). 1 Thess. 4,6. We should not take our neighbor's money by false ware, that is, by selling bad, poor wares to him in place of good ones for which he pays. We should not take his money by false dealings, that is, by using short weights and measures, and in this way keeping back what belongs to our neighbor, by taking too much profit when buying or selling anything, and thus cheating our brother, by borrowing money or other goods and not returning them, etc. "The wicked borroweth and payeth not again." Ps. 37,21. There are many ways of taking our brother's money or goods. A child of God will shun them all, he will be honest in all his dealings with his neighbor.

4. We should help our neighbor to improve ... his property and business. We should help and assist our neighbor as much as we can, by word and deed, that his property and business, by means of which he earns his living, may be improved, become better. If our neighbor is poor and suffers want, we should help him by giving him of our money, or other goods which he may be in need of. "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will He pay him again." Prov. 19,17 We should lend him our money if he is in need, until he may be able to repay it. "Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away." Matt. 5,42. Zacchaeus, after having joyfully received the Lord into his house, was ready to give half of his goods to the poor. Luke 19,8. How well- pleasing it is to our Lord when we help the poor and needy! "To do good and to communicate forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased." Heb. 13,16.

5. We should help our neighbor to ... protect his property and business. Our neighbor's property and business sometimes is in danger, in danger by water or fire, or by wicked men who try to harm our brother. We should warn him against these dangers, we should give him good advice how to overcome them. But we should not only warn and advise but also assist him as much as we can that his property may not be lost or come to harm. Our love to God should prompt us to serve our brethren. "This commandment have we from Him, that he who loves God love his brother also." 1 John 4,21.


1. All our property has been given us by God. God bestows these goods as He pleases. Rich and poor will always be among us. The property of our neighbor should be sacred to us because God has given it to him.

2. We should, therefore, not take our neighbor's money and goods against his will, neither by robbery and theft, nor by defrauding him by poor wares or crooked dealings. Always be honest!

3. We should rather help him to improve his property and business and to preserve it from danger and harm.


Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away. Matt. 5,42.

He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will He pay him again. Prov. 19,17.

To do good and to communicate forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Heb. 13, 16.


1. Stating it in one word, what do we call all the money and goods our neighbor has? 2. From whom did he receive his property? 3. How should the property of our neighbor be to us? 4. What does it mean to steal? 5. In what way do men take the property of their neighbor against his will? 6. What do we call robbery? 7. What is theft? 8. How should we also not take our neighbor's money or goods? 9. When do we take our neighbor's money by false wares? 10. When do we take it by false dealings? 11. How does the Bible call him who borrows money but does not repay it? (Ps. 37,21.) 12. What does God command us to do in behalf of our neighbor's property and business? 13. How should we help our neighbor when he is poor and suffering want? 14. What does our Lord say Matt. 5,42? 15. To whom does he lend who takes pity on the poor? 16. What do we learn from Heb. 13,16? 17. What should we do to protect our neighbor's property? 18. If we love God, whom shall we love also?

Lessons in the Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther

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