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LESSON 1. The Catechism and the Bible.


Table of Contents

1. The little book we have before us is called the Small Catechism. The word "catechism" means instruction. This little book gives us instruction in a brief and simple form, such as even a child can understand. It teaches us what every Christian, as a child of God, should believe, and how every Christian, as a child of God, should live.—This book is called the Small Catechism not only because it is a small book, but mainly because we have also a Large Catechism for older people.

2. The Small Catechism was written by Dr. Martin Luther, the great Reformer of the Church. Luther was born at Eisleben, a small town in Germany, November 10, 1483, and died at the same place, February 18, 1546. He published his Small Catechism in the year 1529, for the benefit of the common people and the children, who are most in need of such instruction.

3. Our Catechism is a small book, indeed, but it is a most precious little book. It does not contain Luther's thoughts and doctrines or those of any other wise and learned man; it contains God's own words revealed to us for our salvation. It does not teach us all the doctrines of God's Word, but those that every Christian must know in order to believe rightly, to lead a godly life, and when his last hour is come to depart in peace. Our Catechism teaches these doctrines in a short form, in plain and simple words.

4. Our Catechism teaches God's Word. How do we prove this? Luther has taken the contents of his Catechism from the Bible, and the Bible is the Word of God.—The Word "Bible" means book. We call our Bible "the book" because it really is the Book of books, the book in comparison with which no other book is worthy to be called by that name, the most important and valuable book.—The Bible is also called the Scriptures, or Scripture, which means something written, a written word. The Bible was written by holy men of God. These holy men did not write the Bible of their own will. "Holy men of God spake" (and wrote) "as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." 2 Pet. 1,21. God Himself moved His holy men to write the Bible.

5. The Bible contains many different books, written at different times. We divide the books of our Bible into two chief parts. The first we call the Old Testament. To it belong all the books written by the prophets of God, by Moses, Samuel, David, Isaiah, and others, before our Savior was born.—The second part we call the New Testament, which contains all the books written by the evangelists and apostles, such as Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, and others, after our Savior came into this world. Both Testaments teach us the same things and doctrines. In what respect do they differ?

6. The Bible is the written Word of God. It is true, holy men have written the Bible, but they wrote being moved by the Holy Ghost, and moreover, they wrote what God told them to write, they wrote by inspiration of God. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God." 2 Tim. 3,16. God inspired His prophets and apostles, that is, He taught and told them what to write, He taught and gave them the very words which they were to use. When a teacher dictates to his pupils, the children, indeed, write the words; yet they do not write their own words, but the words of their teacher. In a similar manner, God, as it were, dictated His Word to the holy men; He told them what to write, and how to write it. So the whole Bible is God's Word. Therefore it is wholly free from every error, it is infallible. Everything it tells us is the truth. God will not and cannot tell us an untruth.

7. For what purpose did God give us His Word in the Bible? The Holy Scriptures "are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." 2 Tim. 3,15. God's Word is to make us wise, not wise unto the things of this world, unto our daily life and work, but wise unto salvation. It teaches us how we who are sinners can be saved from damnation. Nobody can teach us this but God in His Word.—Our salvation is in Christ Jesus. We are saved solely by faith in Him who has taken away the sins of the world. The Scriptures testify of Christ.—The Word of God is able to make us wise unto salvation. In it we find all we must know, all that is necessary to save us, to give us eternal life. "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Ps. 119,105.

8. How should we use the Scriptures? Our Savior says: "Search the Scriptures; for in them, ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of Me." 3 John 5,39. We should search the Scriptures, that is, we should read and study them diligently. We hear God's Word preached in our churches, we learn it in our schools, we should read it daily in our homes. We should not only read, but study it with earnest prayer to God that He would open our eyes that we may understand His Word.—We should read it so as to seek and to find in it Christ, our Lord and Savior, and through faith in Him have eternal life. "Blessed are they that hear the Word of God, and keep it," Luke 11,28.

9. From the Word of God our Catechism is taken. Luther took the most important doctrines from the Bible for his Catechism. It may be called a small Bible. Gladly should we study this little book. As new-born babes long and cry for their milk and grow thereby to become strong men or women, so children of God, newly born in Holy Baptism, should desire the pure milk of the Word set before them in their Catechism and grow thereby in knowledge and faith unto salvation. 1 Pet. 2,2.


The Bible is the Word of God, written by inspiration of the Holy Ghost. God gave us His Word to make us wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

We should diligently search the Scriptures to find in them Christ, our Savior, and in Him, everlasting life.


And that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. 2 Tim. 3,15.16.

Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of Me. John 5,39.

Blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it. Luke 11,28.


1. What does the word "catechism" mean? 2. What does the Catechism teach us? 3. By whom was our Catechism written? 4. Who was Dr. Martin Luther? 5. When was our Catechism published? 6. From what other book are the doctrines of our Catechism taken? 7. What does the word "Bible" mean? 8. Why do we call this book the Bible? 9. How is the Bible also called? 10. By whom was the Bible, or Holy Scripture, written? Whose word is the Bible? 11. How is the Bible God's Word, though it was written by men? 12. What are the chief parts of the Scriptures? 13. Of whom do both parts testify? 14. In what respect do they differ? 15. For what purpose did God give us His Word? 16. Unto what does the Bible make wise? 17. How do we obtain salvation? 18. How should we use the Bible? 19. What does the Psalmist say about God's Word? 20. Why should we also diligently learn our Catechism?

Lessons in the Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther

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