Читать книгу 31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit - Peter I. O - Страница 8


Chapter 2


We have just learnt about the person of the Holy Spirit and ascertained through the scriptures that He is truly a Teacher with a unique teaching method. I believe you are now convinced that the Holy Spirit is a Teacher. The next thing you need to know is about the school itself. One of the ways God speaks to us is through “signs”. We call Him “the God of signs and wonders”, yet when He speaks to us through signs, many people find it so difficult to understand. God can only perform His wonders when we acknowledge His signs.

Have you ever wondered why we have 31 chapters in the book of proverbs in the Bible, and also have 31 days in most of the months of the year? The book of proverbs is the only book in the Bible that has 31 chapters, which is coincidentally the same number with most of the months of the year. The month of April, June, September, and November have 30 days, respectively. February has 28days in a normal year, and 29 days in a leap year. Other months like January, March, May, July, August, October, and December, all have 31 days, respectively. Seven months out of the twelve months of the year has 31days, respectively. Considering the spiritual meaning and effectiveness of numbers, seven is the number of perfection. Seven is also God’s favourite number. Most of the supernatural works which God did in the bible, were done with the number seven. Examples; the earth and the things in it were created in six days, and God rested on the seventh day (Genesis 2:1-3). This is why we have seven days in a week. What God has put in place in this arrangement is hidden from the sight, believe, and understanding of many people. But these secrets are unravelled in this book through the revelation of the Holy Spirit. As you read through this book, you will learn more.

As we take up university academic courses and study them within some time, the book of proverbs in the bible is also a school of wisdom which we should attend and pay attention to by going through all the chapters of the book of proverbs in 31 days. One chapter per day. It is a life in the spirit program and must not be toyed with if you want to get the best of the result. Your life will never remain the same after this life-changing encounter. This truth is hidden from many people, but thank God for unfolding it to us. You are privileged to have this book with you.

The book of proverbs is connected to all the books of the Bible, and it contains all the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding you need to succeed in life, irrespective of your field of duties. Each chapter of the book of proverbs has many revelatory teachings and insightful knowledge that can change your life for good. The wisdom in the book of proverbs was given to Solomon by God through the Holy Spirit of God, and it is given for our learning, and this learning should go from one generation to another. It is important to understand that this school is not like the earthly school where we do certain things the way it pleases us. This is a school where the Holy Spirit is in full control.

“Holy Spirit teaches revelation knowledge.”

We need to understand that the Holy Spirit mean well for us; that is why He chose to teach us the necessary things we need to know. You should also mean well for yourself so that you can be a beneficiary of this divine program. This school is between you and the Holy Spirit, and He can choose to teach you anytime, anywhere, and through any means that He wishes to impact His wisdom into your life. The reasons are best known to Him, so you don’t have any reason to question Him. Any way He chooses to teach you, humbly accept it. In John chapter two, when the people ran out of wine during a wedding feast in the land of Cana of Galilee, Mary the mother of Jesus Christ said to the servants of the celebrants; “Whatever He says to you, do it” (John 2:5). The servants of the celebrants did as they were instructed, and they got the best result (John 2:7-10). The same applies to the school of the Holy Spirit. If you want to get the best of what the Holy Spirit gives to His students in the school of wisdom, kindly do precisely what He asks you to do.


You must understand that there are many subjects which the Holy Spirit is going to teach you during this school of wisdom, so be willing to make changes and adjustments as He directs you. Your experience when the Holy Spirit is teaching you “Wisdom to obey God” may not be the same when He is teaching you “Wisdom to be patient”. Your experience when the Holy Spirit is teaching you “Wisdom to succeed in marriage” may be different from the experience you will have when He is teaching you “Wisdom to succeed in business”. Therefore, be diligent and willing to abide by the methods of the teachings of the Holy Spirit.

I remember what happened in my secondary school days which I know still occurs in today’s academics. I discovered that no matter how intelligent you are, there is always one or two subjects that seem so difficult for you to understand. Most students have problems with mathematics and other subjects that require calculations. After some efforts to come to the knowledge of these subjects, some students will still fail the subject.

In the Holy Ghost School of Wisdom, you may also find some subjects a bit challenging. The day He decides to teach you “Wisdom to practice kindness” may be the day someone you risk your life to help will rise against you. Be calm to know what He is teaching you through the actions and misbehaviour of the person. He might be letting you know that everyone you are kind to will not pay you back with kindness. Some people will try to pay you back with evil. This is to teach you that God is the only One who gives the reward of kindness. Some other experiences may also occur. But if you make up your mind and open your heart to learn from the Holy Spirit, you will succeed in life. You will surely have different encounters and experiences during this life-changing program. You may have some supernatural empowerments coming upon you like an anointing; you may notice the restoration of your lost memory, you may have some sensational feelings in your eyes when the Holy Spirit is repairing your impaired sight, you may also notice joy and peace feeling your heart, and many other transforming manifestations. All these and more are what the presence of the Holy Spirit brings. Therefore, do not be confused when all these things begin to happen in your life during this supernatural encounter; they are all for your good and blessings. They are parts of the benefits of the school of the Holy Spirit. Just be willing to follow the Holy Spirit step by step as He takes you through this school of wisdom and revelation knowledge.


Hello, do you want to know how much this school of wisdom may cost?. I have good news for you. It is free. Yes, it is free. Do you know why our generous God made it free?. The reason is that the price of wisdom is pricey beyond every currency in the whole world. If God were to put a price tag on it, nobody on earth could be able to afford it, not even the wealthiest person on earth. Let’s consider what the Bible says about the price of wisdom.

“But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Man does not know its value, nor is it found in the land of the living. The deep says, ‘it is not in me’, and the sea says, ‘it is not with me’. It cannot be purchased for gold, nor can silver be weighed for its price. It cannot be valued in the gold of Ophir, in precious onyx or sapphire. Neither gold nor crystal can equal it, nor can it be exchanged for jewellery of fine gold. No mention shall be made of coral or quartz, for the price of wisdom is above rubies. The topaz of Ethiopia cannot equal it, nor can it be valued in pure gold. From where then does wisdom come from? And where is the place of understanding?. It is hidden from the eyes of all the living, and concealed from the birds of the air. Destruction and Death say, ‘we have heard a report about it with our ears’, God understands its way, and He knows its place. For He looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole heavens, to establish a weight for the wind, and apportion the water by measure. When He made a law for the rain, and a path for the thunderbolt, then He saw wisdom and declare it. He prepared it. Indeed, He searched it out.”

(Job 28:12-27)

I really have to take a deep breath before I continue. “Did you just read the scripture in Job 28:12-27, did you see the manifold riches, glory, and splendour filled in wisdom, did you see how precious it is, do you think anyone could have afforded it?.” Of course, No. Not even the wealthiest person on earth could have afforded it. But God in His infinite love, mercy, and generosity has made it available for anyone who desires to have this godly wisdom. You can be wiser today if you make up your mind to learn and walk in the wisdom of God.

31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit

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