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e are about to get started. But before then, we need to know what the school of wisdom requires. Understanding the requirements will help you to make adequate preparation for this glorious learning. Just as the human and earthly schools we attend has some requirements, the school of wisdom which is more of spiritual also has some requirements that will help you to maintain the standard of the learning process, and also go through the school successfully.

Remember that you are a student and not a teacher. Don’t try to teach the Holy Spirit, allow Him to teach you. Some people want to tell the Holy Spirit how to do things instead of listening to His instructions.

Someone was speaking to a congregation one day. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit began to speak to him concerning some things He wants the speaker to do. Instead of obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit, the preacher said to the Holy Spirit, “Please Holy Spirit, am not here for this”. The moment the preacher said this, the voice ceased, and the preacher continued his preaching.

The response of the preacher to the voice of the Holy Spirit was very wrong. The preacher could have suspended whatever he was doing and attend to what the Holy Spirit called his attention to. You are a student, and the Holy Spirit is your teacher. You are to learn from Him and not Him learning from you. He can only start when you are willing to learn. As a student, never you argue with the Holy Spirit or ignore His voice. He may keep silent when you ignore His voice, but that will not be good to you. Some of the challenges people go through in life are actually a call to humbly learn from the Holy Spirit and embrace the wisdom of God. The time of challenges should be a time to learn and increase in wisdom and not a time to become more foolish.

31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit

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