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Executive coach and author Gerry Valentine says he often coaches startup leaders from big companies on shifting their mentality and mindset to become comfortable with disruption. Disruption is generally discouraged in those environments but is crucial at startups.

“In big corporations, you are paid specifically not to break things. If you're working for an American Express and you break something, the stock price might shift. You might make the cover of the Wall Street Journal. That's really bad,” says Valentine.

Startup leaders aren't necessarily paid for moving fast and breaking things (a phrase coined in the early days of Facebook), but they are expected to experiment and iterate to drive success.

“In the early days, you're there to learn so your startup can grow faster,” says Valentine. “The mistake I've seen leaders make coming from startups that are scaling up is that they fall in love with disruptive creativity. This matters in early stages, but not in the same way later on.”

Lead Upwards

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