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Counting on Numbers, Times, and Measurements


Even if you were bad at math in high school, don’t underestimate the importance of numbers, times, and measurements while learning a new language (including Russian). Just think about the activities you’ll be able to perform: using currency, calculating prices, exchanging phone numbers, setting meeting times, making sense of addresses and zip codes, and a lot more. So don’t even think about missing Chapter 5; it brings you up to speed on all these topics.

In the meantime, you can start using Russian numbers by counting on both hands:

 oдин (ah-deen) (one)

 двa (dvah) (two)

 тpи (tree) (three)

 чeтыpe (chee-ti-ree) (four)

 пять (pyat’) (five)

 шecть (shehst’) (six)

 ceмь (syehm’) (seven)

 вoceмь (voh-seem’) (eight)

 дeвять (dyeh-veet’) (nine)

 дecять (dyeh-seet’) (ten)

Russian For Dummies

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