Читать книгу The Parental Leave Playbook - Sue Campbell - Страница 22

Reward 1: Healthier Kids


It may seem obvious to say that when parents are supported through the parental leave transition, they are able to better care for their children, which means better health outcomes for babies. The data support this: a 2017 study found that providing 12 weeks of paid leave in the United States could lead to 600 fewer infant and post-neonatal deaths each year.9 (In 2019, the infant mortality rate in the United States was 6 infants in 1,000 live births, twice that of the European Union, where health care and paid parental leave are widely available.)10 Breastfeeding (if desired) can be smoothly established and last longer. Parents have time to take their child to get vaccinations and checkups as well as notice any developmental delays when an early intervention can mean a better outcome. Everyone sleeps better and has time for the crucial bonding that we know leads to healthier kids (and parents).

The Parental Leave Playbook

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