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Phase 2: During Leave: Parenthood Focus


During Phase 2, you will be at home and able to naturally shift focus to your role as a parent while taking time to bond with your new child and whole family. This is a wondrous time—but it is not a vacation (and anyone who has been through it understands that; ignore childless people who think this is somehow the equivalent of three months in the Bahamas and read this spot-on comic: https://english.emmaclit.com/2017/06/04/holidays/). In transition theory, this phase is known as the neutral zone—the time in between where you have been (which is known) and where you are going (the unknown). However, neutral does not adequately describe how this phase feels. I think of it as the “messy middle” because it can feel disorienting and even overwhelming as you scramble to orient yourself, adjust, and learn the new tasks and skills that are required of you overnight.

Touchpoint 5, the first touchpoint of Phase 2, is to appropriately keep in touch with work. You will have developed a communication plan during the action planning touchpoint of the previous phase, and now is the time to put that plan into practice and make sure it's honored by your colleagues—or adjusted as you find yourself wanting something different than what you thought you would need.

Touchpoint 6 helps you advocate for yourself and your child(ren). During your transition any number of things may arise that require you to stick up for yourself or your family's needs. You may be healing or dealing with health issues for yourself, your partner (if you have one), or your child. You may be navigating tricky extended family dynamics. Enhancing your self-advocacy skills will serve you well now and for the rest of your career and life.

Touchpoint 7 happens toward the end of your leave as you make arrangements to return. This chapter walks you through the many things you will need to modify and arrange before you head back to work. This includes home basics like childcare, feeding plans for your child, dealing with separation anxiety, as well as work considerations such as how to best reconnect with your manager and team to ensure a smooth reentry to work. Again, having a plan—and a backup plan—is invaluable during this stage.

The Parental Leave Playbook

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