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herring roe on toast


This was a dish I used to enjoy as a child – my mum always used to do it for my grandmother who lived with us. I remember Mum being surprised that I loved it so much, but that is often the way – children like the most unlikely foods at times, and we miss that because we never give them different things to try. This became my favourite Saturday morning breakfast. Incredibly easy and quick to make.

knob of butter

300g/12oz soft herring roe

couple of twists of black pepper to taste

1 lemon (cut into quarters lengthways)

4 slices wholemeal toast

Serves: 4 children

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes

1 Simply melt the butter in a medium-sized frying pan.

2 Put in the herring roe and sauté gently, until the roe is firm. This takes approximately 2–3 minutes. Twist in the black pepper and serve onto hot buttered toast.

3 Squeeze over the lemon and serve!


A sprinkling of chives adds great flavour.

Tana Ramsay’s Family Kitchen: Simple and Delicious Recipes for Every Family

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