Читать книгу The New IQ: Use Your Working Memory to Think Stronger, Smarter, Faster - Tracy Alloway - Страница 59

Level 2: Instructions


1 Draw a line to connect the positive words and ignore the other ones.

2 Turn the page over and on a separate sheet of paper list all the positive words you just connected.

4. Prioritize Your Choices

This exercise helps you to relieve the stress you feel when you are overwhelmed with too many choices by helping you to prioritize what’s most important.

1. Make a list of everything you do in an average day that places demands on your working memory—for example, checking Facebook, checking email on your phone, making breakfast. Your list may have thirty or more items on it.

2. Choose the tasks on the list that are the least important, and don’t do them for a week. You might put your iPad in a closet, limit your time on the Web when you’re working on your computer, or turn off your Twitter feed.

3. At the end of the week ask yourself the following questions:

 Do I feel less stressed?

 Do I feel more productive?

 Was I able to focus more effectively on a task that I accomplished?

4. If you answered yes to all of these, seriously consider restricting the tasks in order to experience less stress. You may want to try and take out more tasks.

The New IQ: Use Your Working Memory to Think Stronger, Smarter, Faster

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