Читать книгу Classics of a fantasy - A. Belyaev - Страница 6
Chapter 5
Stratoplan tilted. For a moment Finger saw the mountain platform and
on it Stormer-city.
This city had an extraordinary appearance. On the central square was
the huge horseshoe attached to the earth by the rounded-off part. Any
the cathedral in the world, any skyscraper could not be made even to it on height.
Around a horseshoe not less strange constructions settled down.
The spherical buildings, huge cylinders which are lying on one side or standing on
the basis. One sphere was glass and as it seemed to Finger,
rotated. Another – absolutely black. The lying cylinder, or “tank”,
had a surface half black, opaque, half brilliant,
as if silver. The strange roundabouts, planked footway hanging in flashed
air, railway lines.
At the next moment стратоплан it was leveled, the platform failed.
Finger extended a neck to look down.
– You admire an amusement park? – Vinkler with a smile asked.
The second small list, and Hans saw one-storey pine houses, for
them – two-storeyed long standard barracks, further away – tents.
Crossing all city, there was an embankment, hollow rising in the direction
break. On the very brink of the city factory cases and pipes were seen, from
who were brought down by Narrow-gage railway smoke diversely cut the city.
Trucks scurried about. The embankment blackened the people who were pottering about as if ants.
Along an embankment long trunks of excavators turned.
“Really here the amusement park is arranged?” – Finger, but not wanted to ask
was in time. Stratoplan sharply came in the land, sat down on the earth, jumped up,
swept and unexpectedly abruptly stopped.
– Arrived, – Hans told.
Travelers quickly put on in fur coats and caps.
The hermetic door of a stratoplan opened. Pakhnulo frosty air K
the stratoplan suited the bystry tripping gait the tolstenky person in
to fur-coat. It was the commercial director Collins.
– You arrived for ten minutes earlier, – he told, greeting. – I
heard an infernal crash of your stratoplan and hurried here. You are wounded, the sir?
You have on a forehead blood.
– Trifles, – Blotton answered. – Medical assistance is not required Idle time
bruise about a door. And here if you feed me with a good beefsteak, I will be
to you he is very grateful. It is hungry so as if did not eat days, and meanwhile
before flying away I have densely breakfast.
– Not without reason the theory of relativity claims that it than quicker moves
the body, the more slowly for it proceeds time, – with a smile told
– I think, now sir Henry Blotton will prefer a hot grog and
beefsteak of the theory of relativity, – Vinkler noticed.
– How is Mr. Zander? – Blotton asked.
– It was caused on a meeting has to return to lady Hinton On soon, —
Collins Blotton and Collins answered send forward. Vinkler and Finger – on
some distance from them.
– I will show you our dwelling, – Vinkler told. – I think, you
it will be most convenient to be located in the room near me.
– Certainly, – Finger answered.
They went down the street Stormer-city, supporting each other. In the city still
did not manage to take care of improvement. Sidewalks were not, packed
snow became covered by an ice crust, and people quite often fell.
It was the city which all life was adapted for
implementation of one grandiose idea.
Cold mountain air was filled with a rumble, noise, shouts, beeps.
Deafly excavators roared, small electric locomotives had sharply something in common,
busy scurrying about on a narrow-gage railway, squealed on trolley curves
On the ground shadows from cars of the suspended road crept. From time to time
booming blows shook air – tore rocks. Monophonically sang sawmills.
Smelled of sulfur, the petrol reek of alcohol. Somewhere pneumatic cracked
punchers the guttural multilingual speech of workers was heard Everywhere. They
scurried about on streets in all directions, transferring on weight shoulders,
filled the city with din and the movement. On this mountain platform as if
centuries and the people met. The electric and steam shovels made on
to state-of-the-art technology, and the biped “pack animals” moving
weights, as at the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs.
“Muscular force here, obviously, is cheaper and more favorable, than cars”, —
Finger thought, looking narrowly at workers.
Who was not only here! Both yellow-faced Chinese, and Blacks, and
chocolate Malayans, and bronze Hindus.
Also white faces met, most often it were foremen.
Despite the snow covering city streets, and cold, sharp mountain
wind, workers were dressed easily. At many through shirts appeared through
– Real International! – Finger told.
– Yes, poverty International, – Vinkler answered. – All of them are bought for
pennies are also contracted by agents of society for several years. People
agreed to any conditions, if only to avoid starvation,
unemployment, and still met the worst of slavery here. From there are ways
retreats are cut off. Unapproachable snow mountains, snow snow-storms,
abysses, deserted, naked deserts protect this hungry люд better
any watchmen. The few from them are solved on escape and almost all pay for
it the life. Strikes here ruthlessly are suppressed, though
flash again.
Finger vaguely lowed something. Vinkler has a look at him,
patted shoulder and continued:
– I see, you are covered already by an itch of the propagandist. Yes, here grateful
the soil, it is also necessary to put not enough work that all this powder
the cellar blew up. But, – it continued significantly, – endurance, Hans,
and patience are so necessary for the revolutionary, as well as bravery. In total in
the time. Here and our housing.
They entered the small house put from crude logs of mountain
Walls of the room of Vinkler were covered with plywood sheets. In a corner stood
iron furnace. Two tables – lunch and working with phone and a lamp on
it is mute, couple of chairs, a bed, a washstand and a small locker made
all situation. A color carpet on a wall at a bed and a skin of a bear on a floor
brightened up this just arranged room a little.
– So you were not tired?
– No, he is not tired, – Finger answered, undressing. – I would like somewhat quicker
to get acquainted with the city and…
– To learn the latest news?
Vinkler took out an electric tile, cans from a locker,
bread, plates also began to manage.
– And so, listen. Now in Stormer-city it is constructed
the first big rocket calculated on twenty people. Behind it have to
to follow others. And finally to convince men of little faith,
the hesitating, indecisive rich men, the small rocket is already constructed
Pikkolo in which one person can be located. Trial flight in
presence of “shareholders” Blotton will make – he wants to concede to nobody
this honor. For this purpose it also arrived here. The lord cannot refuse in
rash bravery, characteristic of the bourgeois champion. Rocket
will make small take-off, will rise over a stratosphere – new laurels in
rekordsmensky wreath of the lord – will also go down on the surface of the Great ocean,
where we will also catch it. A lot of things depend on success of this first flight.
Intensity of a gold stream can increase considerably if Blotton
will appear after flight live and safe before kings of the exchange.
– And you, Vinkler, trust in a possibility of rescue of capitalist
tops in such unusual way?
– Let will do some flying.
– And., you promote it?
– Not only that itself I promote, but also attracted you to “partnership
in a crime against revolution”. Yes, yes. You will not only work
on building, but also you will depart together with me and lords whom you are so
fairly you hate, – certainly if only flight takes place.
Hans, do not get excited. Listen to me quietly. I well know that you want
to tell. We could upset all this music, certainly, very easily.
We could cause a revolt, could blow up the rocket before most
take-off. But what would be benefited by us from it? The idea we would not kill. Flight all
could take place, but already in other place, without us. And it would be
much worse. A starprobe vehicle – a dangerous toy. It can be used not
only for shameful flight, but also for approach. Eventually we
we are not down on to all plans of leaders of this business. And that they
mean to use a starprobe vehicle and for a throwing of bombs in critical
the moment of the last decisive battles, it is not subject to doubt. It already
becomes in colonies – during war and at suppression of revolts. No,
much more safely is also more practical if we with you on the rocket are. In
the necessary moment we will always manage to appropriate whom follows.
– If everything is and can be coming us more interesting and
considerable work, than service of the capitalists trying to get away,
– Isn’t that so, fascinating task? – Vinkler killed it. – But
you should work, work hard terribly. All these
starprobe vehicles., let they build them… After the world revolution all
will get to us, isn’t that so? So why to us to exterminate rockets now?
No, we will build them, to build for ourselves. Superfast means of communication
will gain the huge and daily value. Will be necessary to us
stratoplana first of all, and over time and starprobe vehicles. There now and
it is ready. To pork I will make still fried eggs. You eat, be sated, gain strength.
Hans with appetite of the young, healthy and got hungry man
began to absorb both pork, and fried eggs, and beans in a tomato. Vinkler, tenderly
smiling, watched it.
– Whether Zander knows about the true purposes to which he serves now? – asked
Finger, having satisfied the first hunger.
– How to tell! Time “Noah’s Ark” does not pursue the military aims, for
the naive pacifist engineer Zander of it is enough. And in everything
the rest he is interested in affairs of shareholders a little. Society gave it
an opportunity and huge appliances to develop work in such
scales of which he could not dream. It for it the main thing. And
he can really make a lot of things. Zander – talented
theorist, magnificent designer and extremely modest person.”I
only pupil of the great teacher Tsiolkovsky. It lit a flame, I
only I support him until the dream of mankind is fulfilled” – so
he speaks about himself. I would tell that Zander though he now and “out of
politicians”, perhaps, belongs to that best part technical
the intellectuals which can work well together not bad with us as it worked well together
once it in the east. Here therefore we with you also helped Zander
to run. Well, it is full? We go, I will show you an amusement park.
– Here did not think in any way what in Stormer-city exists even
amusement park! Perhaps, there is also a cinema, cabaret, taverns and these… “red
– How the businessman will do without these institutions? Device
pumpings out of a salary from pockets of workers works here excellently. But
only amusement park here special… And, unlike other entertainments,
even free. It has great success in the local population. And,
it is necessary to tell, deserves that. It is very amusing and very instructive. Not
I will mystify you more. Amusement park not entertaining
attractions, and real city laboratory. In this laboratory
those conditions in which there will be participants are artificially created
flight on rockets – from start to the finish. Here influence of these is studied
conditions: accelerations and delays of flight, increase in gravity,
zero gravity and so on. Unfortunately, I am too busy that
to accompany you. But you also will understand everything. Here to you “entrance
the ticket” in an amusement park. According to this admission all will show you and all will explain.