Читать книгу Miracles Beyond Our Comprehension - A. M. Deigloriam - Страница 5



We live at a time when many of the values this country was founded on are no longer followed and our society and its related legal decisions are a drift and being based on current social values and political correctness. Throughout history great countries and their societies have come and gone due to internal corruption and moral decay. Our society and the government are no longer willing to recognize the value of the church and how God has blessed this country over many years. The national and local media no longer uses words that reference God’s blessings or how Satan’s influences are destroying society and the family. Society and the government do not recognize or understand the relationship between Satan, disease, death and sin. Nor do they understand the relationship between obedience to God’s word and God’s protection.

We see a great deal of unrest today, as different religious groups throughout the world view the United States as the great demon that is continually distributing offensive television programs, movies and other perverse materials. Throughout history different religious beliefs have been involved in creating strife between people and in some cases starting wars. Many of the wars and conflicts in the past was the result of unjust treatment of certain countries or groups of people. Unfortunately, we can also point to certain individuals of the past that were responsible for barbaric acts of genocide. There is no possible explanation for these barbaric acts other than to acknowledge Satan is able to control man by offering him great power and wealth. This is the same Satan that transported Jesus to the top of a mountain and offered Him control over all the earth. Radical Islamic terrorists are also following a belief that all people should be conforming to their beliefs and that they will receive great blessings for their efforts regardless of the cost to innocent people.

As the world continues to deteriorate in moral decay, man’s actions will follow Satan’s path to self destruction.

Satan and his demons are extremely powerful, cunning, and cruel principalities that we need to be aware of each day. We cannot let our guard down or underestimate his influences with regards to our attitudes, values, priorities, and love for our neighbor. We see children killing children in our cities and there is little or no response on the part of the church or the government. The country is so numb to news of more acts of violence they no longer feel sorrow or compassion for those families that have been destroyed. Satan and his demons have confused man to the point to where he rationalizes all these acts of pure evil as acts caused by a logical response, or by those with a mental illness.

The world today does not believe in the existence of God or Satan and refuses to believe Satan is actively involved in death, disease and sin. The Christian through the death and resurrection of Christ has experienced God’s grace and know God provides protection against Satan and his demons on a daily basis through the obedience to his word.

The miracles completed by Jesus and his disciples were miracles that gave sight to the blind, healed those with leprosy, feed the hungry, raised some from the dead, healed many other infirmities and healed those possessed by demons.

Jesus during his three year ministry confronted Satan and many of his demons. In one case it is believed that one man was possessed by over 6,000 demons. The result of this possession was a man that was driven to insanity. We need to remember Satan and demons are still active today in the dark shadows and we see their work on a daily basis throughout the world.

However, we also need to remember that all of God‘s promises were fulfilled in Christ and that we were sealed by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit sealed us and took ownership of our souls. The Holy Spirit provides security, ownership, and a pledge of redemption.

2 Corinthians 1:20-24 reads, For all the promise of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us in God; Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. Moreover I call God for a record upon my soul, that to spare you I came not as yet unto Corinth. Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.

We are a vessel that receives Christ and all the promises made by God for us.

Miracles Beyond Our Comprehension

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