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During the 1990s, the explosion of interest in the American Bulldog began to spread beyond the shores of the United States. With all of the cross-breeding that has occurred and continues to occur among American Bulldog breeders in the US, it is highly beneficial to the breed to find itself in the hands of European breeders. Hopefully, European breeders will not view cross-breeding to other breeds as an option when breeding to improve their American Bulldog stock. Also, European breeders have quickly expressed an interest in breeding dogs with a willingness to work, rather than dogs intended only to scare their neighbors. One word of caution: keep in mind that protection work was never the primary function of the American Bulldog. Catch work and ranch work is what this breed was designed for. While testing a dog in Schutzhund trials demonstrates a certain degree of working ability within this breed, one must bear in mind that the American Bulldog was never intended to be a man-biter. This breed was developed to be tested on game much more deadly than man, and the extraordinary agility and tenacity demonstrated while catching free-range hogs in the field are infinitely more dangerous and demanding than “man work” will ever be.


Many of today’s American Bulldogs are purchased for basic home guardian and personal protection work. One thing the various lines of American Bulldogs have in common is the fact that all tend to be useful protection dogs, since breeders tend to favor stock with strong protective instincts. Further, owners of American Bulldogs often engage in training their dogs to become guard dogs. What owners need to realize, though, is that this is not the breed’s original function and that proper protection is obtained only through proper training. Furthermore, the American Bulldog’s wonderful pet potential should never be overlooked.


Many an American Bulldog is brought home to be a family pet, too. The Bulldog often makes a fine family pet. It is not an overly active breed. It is not a breed that is likely to roam away from its home property. It can be, and often is, a playful breed, and while any play between any dog and any child should always be supervised by an adult, the American Bulldog is usually a good pet for an older child. Pet American Bulldog owners often attest to their dogs’ loving and even goofy personalities.

American Bulldog

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