Читать книгу The Covenant of the Torch - Abraham Park - Страница 23


God’s work of salvation advanced through the godly descendants of Seth after Adam and Eve’s fall and their banishment from the Garden of Eden. God had commanded Noah, a descendant of Seth, to build an ark, and He judged the world through the flood. However, even after the judgment of the flood, mankind constructed the Tower of Babel in an attempt to challenge God. God chose Abraham, a descendant of Shem, from the midst of the sinful world, called him out of Ur of the Chaldeans, and led him to the land of Canaan.

After God called Abraham to Canaan, He made the covenant of the torch with Abraham (Gen 15). Through this covenant, God demonstrated how the Promised Land of Canaan would be given to the godly descendants.

Thus, the lives of these four patriarchs—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph—play vital roles in the fulfillment of the covenant as part of God’s plan for salvation. After God first initiated the covenant with Abraham, He also reconfirmed the contents of the covenant with his descendants as He continued to advance its fulfillment. In this chapter, we will closely examine how God fulfilled his covenant through them by organizing the lives of these four patriarchs into a chronology.

The Covenant of the Torch

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