Читать книгу The Covenant of the Torch - Abraham Park - Страница 8




A Forgotten Encounter • 10

List of Abbreviations • 15

Part One

The Covenant of the Torch and God’s Administration in the History of Redemption • 17

Chapter 1 Jesus Christ, the Center of God’s Administration of Redemption • 18

1. Jesus Christ, the Center of the History of Redemption • 18

2. Jesus Christ’s Work of Atonement • 21

Chapter 2 The Divine Administration of Redemption and the Covenant • 30

1. The Meaning of the Word Covenant • 31

2. Characteristics of the Covenant with God • 32

3. Types of Covenants • 33

4. The Gradual Expansion of Covenantal Revelations • 36

Part Two

The Covenant of the Torch and the Four Generations • 41

Chapter 3 The Content and Confirmation of the Covenant • 42

1. The Content of the Covenant • 42

2. The Confirmation of the Covenant • 43

3. The Covenant and God’s Faithfulness • 45

Chapter 4 The Time of Ratification • 47

1. The Calculation of the Year of the Exodus • 47

2. The Calculation of the Time of Ratification • 49

Chapter 5 The Meaning of the Prophecy “In the Fourth Generation They Will Return” • 51

1. Calculating One Generation as 100 Years: The View that 400 Years (Gen 15:13) Are Equivalent to Four Generations (Gen 15:16) • 52

2. Are 400 Years Equivalent to Four Generations? • 54

Chapter 6 The Starting Point of the Four Generations • 57

1. The Viewpoint that Four Generations Are Counted from the Time when Abraham’s Descendants Settled in Egypt • 57

2. The Viewpoint that Four Generations Are Counted from Abraham • 58

Part Three

The History of the Patriarchs • 63

Chart: The Chronology of the Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph (360 years, from 2166 to 1806 BC) • 65

Chapter 7 The History of Abraham • 72

1. The Birth of Abraham (Gen 11:26) • 72

2. The Calling of Abraham (Gen 11:26–32; 12:1–5; Acts 7:2–4) • 73

3. The Ratification of the Covenant of the Torch (Gen 15:7–21) • 74

4. Abraham Takes Sarah’s Maidservant Hagar (Gen 16:1–3) • 74

5. The Birth of Ishmael through Hagar (Gen 16:1–16) • 75

6. Abram and Sarai Renamed (Gen 17:5, 15–16); The Covenant of Circumcision (Gen 17:9–14) • 76

7. The Birth of Isaac, the Covenantal Son (Gen 21:1–5) • 77

Chapter 8 The History of Isaac • 79

1. Hagar and Ishmael Are Cast Out to the Wilderness of Paran (Gen 21:8–21) • 79

2. Isaac Is Given as a Burnt Offering on a Mountain in Moriah (Gen 22:1–18) • 80

3. The Death of Sarah (Age 127) and Purchase of the Cave of Machpelah (Gen 23:1–2) • 81

4. The Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah (Gen 24; 25:20) • 83

Chapter 9 The History of Jacob and Esau • 84

1. The Birth of Jacob and Esau (Gen 25:19–26) • 84

2. The Death of Abraham (Age 175) (Gen 25:7–8) • 85

3. The Marriage of Esau (Age 40) (Gen 26:34) • 86

4. Jacob Receives the Blessing of the Firstborn • 87

5. Jacob Flees from His Brother Esau (Gen 27:41–28:5) • 88

6. Jacob’s 20 Years of Refuge (Gen 29–31) • 89

7. The Birth of Joseph (Gen 30:22–24) • 91

8. Jacob Returns to Canaan (Gen 33:18–20) • 92

9. Leah’s Daughter Dinah Is Disgraced (Gen 34) • 94

10. Birth of Benjamin and Death of Rachel (Gen 35:16–20); Reunion with Isaac (Gen 35:27) • 95

Chapter 10 The History of Joseph • 97

1. Two Dreams that God Gave to Joseph and the 13 Years of Trial (Gen 37; 39; 40) • 97

2. The Death of Isaac (Gen 35:28–29) and the Ascension of Joseph to Second-in-Command (Gen 41:1–46) • 98

3. The Seven Years of Plenty (Gen 41:47–53) • 99

4. Jacob and 70 Members of His Family Migrate to Egypt (Gen 46:1–27) • 101

5. Israel Dwells in the Land of Goshen and Raises Livestock (Gen 46:28–34; 47:1–12) • 104

6. Death of Jacob (Age 147) and His Funeral (Gen 47:28–31; 49:29–33; 50:1–14) • 106

7. The Death of Joseph (Age 110) (Gen 50:22–26) • 113

Part Four

The History of the Exodus Until the Conquest of Canaan • 119

Chart: The Chronology of the Exodus Until the Conquest of Canaan (149 years, from 1539 BC to 1390 BC) • 121

Chapter 11 The Emergence of Moses • 125

1. The New Pharaoh Who Did Not Know Joseph (Exod 1:8) • 125

2. The Birth of Moses (Exod 2:1–22) • 128

3. Moses Flees to the Land of Midian at the Age of 40 (Exod 2:11–15) • 130

4. Moses Trained for 40 Years in the Land of Midian (Exod 2:16–22) • 132

5. Moses Calls for the Great Exodus (Exod 3:1–10) • 133

Chapter 12 The Exodus of the Israelites • 134

1. God’s Remembrance and the Exodus (Exod 2:23–25; 3:7–9, 16) • 134

2. The Sins of the Egyptians against the Chosen People • 135

3. The Ten Plagues in Egypt • 136

4. The Chosen People Leave Egypt in Martial Array • 139

5. Moses Carries Joseph’s Bones Out of Egypt • 141

6. God’s Providence Leads the Israelites to the Red Sea • 142

7. Dry Land Appears in the Midst of the Red Sea • 145

Chapter 13 The 40 Years in the Wilderness • 147

1. The 40-Year Wilderness Journey Condensed into Numbers 33 • 147

2. The 42 Camps • 151

3. The Wilderness Journey Without Lack • 199

4. Grumblings and Complaints in the Wilderness • 201

5. The Death of Three Leaders in the Wilderness • 206

6. The Death of 603,548 Soldiers from Those Numbered in the First Census • 219

7. The Battles Fought Just Before the Entry into Canaan • 222

8. The Death of 24,000 People in Moab/Shittim (Num 25:1–9) • 224

9. The Second Census of Soldiers (Num 26:1–51) • 226

Chapter 14 The Conquest of Canaan • 230

1. Joshua, the New Leader for the Conquest of Canaan • 230

2. Caleb, the Godly Man Who Helped Moses and Joshua • 233

3. The Duration of the Conquest of Canaan • 236

Part Five

The Fulfillment of the Covenant • 241

Chapter 15 The Fulfillment of the Prophecy Regarding Abraham and His Descendants • 243

1. The Fulfillment of the Prophecy Regarding Abraham • 243

2. The Fulfillment of the Prophecy Regarding Abraham’s Descendants • 244

Chapter 16 The Fulfillment of the Prophecy, “In the Fourth Generation They Will Return Here.” (Gen 15:16) • 248

1. According to the Genealogies, How Many Generations Passed before They Returned to Canaan? • 248

2. Who Was the Fourth Generation? • 249

3. Reuben and the Inheritance of Faith • 251

4. Joseph and the Inheritance of Faith • 256

5. The Fulfillment of the “Fourth Generation” through Joseph • 266

6. The Covenant of the Torch Fulfilled in Shechem • 270

Chapter 17 The Blessings of the Covenant of the Torch • 277

1. The Blessings that Joseph Received • 278

2. Joseph’s Faith • 280

Conclusion • 285

The Covenant of the Torch to Be Fulfilled in the Future • 286

1. The Covenant of the Torch Yet to Be Fulfilled • 286

2. Faith Needed for the Future Fulfillment of the Covenant • 288

3. God’s Zeal for the Fulfillment of the Covenant • 291

Commentaries and References • 299

1. Dr. Jae-Yong Joo, Ph.D • 300

Emeritus Professor of Hanshin University, Chair of the Theological Research Center

2. Dr. Andrew J. Tesia, Ph.D • 305

President of the Research Institute of Reformed Theology

3. Dr. Yeong-Su Ye • 311

President of the International Council of Churches and Ministries

Reference 1: Abraham’s Genealogy • 313

Reference 2: A Single Blessing of the Firstborn • 315

Reference 3: Chart: The Number of Years that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph Lived Together • 319

Reference 4: Chart: The Forty-Year Journey at a Glance • 320

Reference 5: Simeon, Levi, and Judah • 322

Reference 6: Chart: Jacob’s Twelve Sons Who Became the Twelve Tribes of Israel • 329

Notes • 339

Bibliography • 345

Index • 347

The Covenant of the Torch

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