Читать книгу The Energy System of Matter: A Deduction from Terrestrial Energy Phenomena - active 1883-1912 James Weir - Страница 17

11. Review of Cosmical System—General Function of Energy


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Reviewing the system as a whole, the important part played by energy in its constitution is readily perceived. The source of the energy which operates in all parts of the system is found in that energy originally applied (§ 3). When the system is finally constituted, this energy is found distributed amongst the planets, each of which has received its share, and each of which is thereby linked to the primary by its influence. It is part of this same energy which undergoes transformation in virtue of the orbital movements of the planets in the field of the gravitative influence. Again, it is found in the form of planetary axial energy, and thence, under the influence of various incepting agencies, it passes in various forms through the whole gamut of planetary phenomena, and finally functions in the atmospheric machine. Every phenomenon of the system, great or small, is, in fact, but the external evidence either of the transformation or of the transmission of this energy—the outward manifestation of its changed or changing forms. Its presence, which always implies its transformation (§ 4), is the simple primary condition attached to every operation. The primal mass originally responded to the application of energy by the presentation of phenomena. Every material portion of the system will similarly respond according to circumstances. Energy is, in fact, the working spirit of the whole cosmical scheme. It is the influence linking every operation of the system to the original transformations at the central axis, so that all may be combined into one complete and consistent whole. It is to be noted, however, that although they have a common origin the orbital energy of each planetary mass is entirely distinct from its energy of axial rotation, and is not interchangeable therewith. The transformation of the one form of energy in no way affects the totality of the other.

The disruption of the primary mass furnishes a view of what is virtually the birth of gravitation as it is conceived to exist between separate bodies. It may now be pointed out that the attractive influence of gravitation is, in reality, but one of the many manifestations of energy of the system. It is not, however, an active manifestation of the working energy, but rather an aspect of energy as it is related to the properties of matter. We have absolutely no experimental experience of matter devoid of energy. Gravitation might readily be termed an energy property of matter, entirely passive in nature, and requiring the advent of some other form in order that it may exercise its function as an incepting agency.

From a general consideration of the features of this system, in which every phenomenon is an energy phenomenon, it seems feasible to conclude also that every property of matter is likewise an energy property. It is certain, indeed, that no reasonable or natural concept of either matter or energy is possible if the two be dissociated. The system also presents a direct and clear illustration of the principles of conservation in the working of the whole, and also in each planetary unit.

The Energy System of Matter: A Deduction from Terrestrial Energy Phenomena

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