Читать книгу The Energy System of Matter: A Deduction from Terrestrial Energy Phenomena - active 1883-1912 James Weir - Страница 3



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An intimate study of natural phenomena and a lengthened experience in physical research have resulted in the formation of certain generalisations and deductions which I now present in this volume. I have reached the conclusion that every physical phenomenon is due to the operation of energy transformations or energy transmissions embodied in material, and takes place under the action or influence of incepting energy fields. In any instance the precise nature of the phenomena is dependent on the peculiar form of energy actively engaged, on the nature of the material to which this energy is applied, and on the nature of the incepting field which influences the process. In the course of the work several concrete cases are discussed, in which these features of energy are illustrated and explained by the use of simple experimental apparatus. It is hoped that, by this means, the distinctive differences which exist in the manifestations of energy, in its transformation, in its transmission, and in its incepting forms will be rendered clear to the reader. I have to express my indebtedness to Mr. James Affleck, B.Sc., for his assistance in the preparation of this work for publication.


Over Courance,

Lockerbie, Scotland.

The Energy System of Matter: A Deduction from Terrestrial Energy Phenomena

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